Grants:IdeaLab/Provide private pages for every user to create there own wikipedia

Provide private pages for every user to create there own wikipedia
please add a 1-2 sentence summary after 'summary='
idea creator
created on19:01, Saturday, June 4, 2016 (UTC)

Project idea edit

What is the problem you're trying to solve? edit

1. For every pages, I want to create my own notes for it, include outside links which is useful for myself, or some important paragraphs from the wikipedia pages. Like some knowledge management systems.

2. In some Countrys like our China, because of the internet censorship, we can only use the proxy tools like Lantern to access the wikipedia, but we can't edit any article on the wikipedia via a proxy IP address.

What is your solution? edit

Let wikipedia provide the private pages for every user, and user can choose whether to show it to public or not.

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