Grants:IdeaLab/Improve SVG rasterer

Improve SVG rasterer
SVG is an important file format for graphics on Wikipedia and is used in thousands of science articles but has many problems.
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community organizer
created on18:30, 29 April 2015 (UTC)

Project idea


What is the problem you're trying to solve?


. SVG is an important file format for graphics on Wikipedia and is used in thousands of science articles. And this also the underlying software libRSVG has many problems with rendering SVG even the article about force in german (de:Kraft) is affected (Third pic has #5792).

What is your solution?


A developer spends one month per year (0,083 FTE ca. 7000€) on improving libRSVG. (Alternativly two month every two years.)

Tasks come from the community and solve problems relevant to articles in Wikipedia.

Project goals


Gain funding to improve libRSVG.

Get involved



  • I support this idea because I have spent a lot of time working with SVG markup on commons and trying to find workarounds to the various issues that come up because RSVG does not have proper support in various areas. Converting raster graphics is enough of a task to begin with and when you have to spend additional time just to find a work around for a bug in RSVG, then you end up spending time and effort on trying to "fix" a file that isn't broke when you could be working on additional images. Offnfopt (talk) 09:26, 18 June 2015 (UTC)
  • I'd welcome giving this more thoughts, as gaining funding and making a developer spend time are only very first steps and not a complete solution. How to make sure that those proposed code changes end up on Wikimedia servers, e.g. if upstream developers are not too active, if upstream review takes a long time, or after getting proposed changes merged in upstream if it takes the packagers of the distribution longer to package and ship an updated librsvg package to install on Wikimedia servers? --Malyacko (talk) 10:04, 24 June 2015 (UTC)
  • libSVG need fixing alright. Tuvalkin (talk) 21:48, 27 June 2015 (UTC)