Grants:IdeaLab/An aid to facilitate translations and proofreading

Project idea
editWhat is the problem you're trying to solve?
editI find the translation-pages in use when translating for example monthly newsletters for MetaWiki quite useful. Translations go better with partitioned sections. There seems to be a lot of frustration with too many machine-translated stuff, where I, as administrator most often delete attempts where the contribution makes no sense. In other cases the article clearly needs proof-reading and some syntax-fixing. I do some proofreading, but is often frustrated by having to search for and in the original text just to find out what's going on.
What is your solution?
editI hope to move someone to modify the mentioned layout from Meta to make original text come in a column parallel to column for the translated text, both with or without translate-suggestions. The latter case must allow changes.
Additionally there is a necessity for a call for proofreading. It should involve a button in the article bringing the next editor to the right place in one click.
Proofreading may give a need for three buttons at the bottom of page. !.) Leave untouched 2.) Halfway, but leaving, save changes 3.) Finished proofreading.
The "finished"- signal is the only one to take away the wanted-signal from the finished result.
Project goals
editI hope to help making translation-tasks more easy, regardless of languages. Much of the programming seems available from Meta, but the applications here calls for more work by someone with more skills and knowledge than I have. I just leave my thoughts here and hope that someone will give me a message when it is time to try it out.
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