Grants:IEG/Committee/Candidates/Selection process
Individual Engagement Grant
To maintain a large, diverse, and active committee, we add new members in each round. This is the process by which candidates are added to the IEG Committee.
how members are added
- Anyone may add their name and a statement indicating interest to the list of candidates. These may be added on a rolling basis, although we announce via an open call before each round.
- The committee is encouraged to actively invite new members to add themselves to the list of candidates! See below for an invite template. Personal invitation is how we get some of our most awesome and committed members :)
- Before the published deadline for each round, committee members will review the list of candidates to see who meets the criteria to join.
- All candidates who meet the criteria should be invited to join the committee. This is done by adding their name to the list of members, and sending the candidate a talk message (see below for a sample message) to onboard them.
- Any candidates who do not meet the criteria should be informed and invited to resubmit in the future when they're able to meet the criteria.
- All candidate statements and signatures should then be moved to the candidate archives for future reference.
- Sample invites for recruiting new committee members

==Open call to join the [[m:Grants:IEG|Individual Engagement Grants]] Committee==
Hi [person]! The Wikimedia Foundation and the [[m:Grants:IEG/Committee|Individual Engagement Grants Committee]] invite you to join us to help review proposals for grants of up to $30,000 to support 6-month projects that improve the Wikimedia community. These grants fund individuals or small teams to organize, build, create, research or facilitate something that enhances the work of Wikimedia’s volunteers.
If you'd like to get involved, please '''[[:m:Grants:IEG#ieg-committee|add yourself as a candidate for the IEG Committee]]''' by Friday 25 March 2016. Hope to see you there! ~~~~
- Sample of the welcome message we send to new committee members
== Welcome to the IEG Committee ==
Thanks for signing up to join the Individual Engagement Grants Committee! It is my pleasure to confirm your membership. We've got a lot to accomplish together, particularly during the next 2 months, and it will be awesome to have your help. Here is how to get started:
To make your membership official, please do 2 things by DATE:
- Introduce yourself in the IdeaLab.
- Send your email address and preferred username to IEGrants, so that we can subscribe you to the committee mailing list and get you setup on the committee's internal wiki.
Then there are 3 first tasks for active committee members to start on right away:
- Read the information in the Committee Workroom (your committee organizing hub on meta), beginning with the getting started guide for new members.
- Join at least one working group.
- Start giving feedback on open ideas, drafts and proposals. Asking questions to gather information you’ll need to make a recommendation helps prospective grantees think their projects all the way through, and will give us more great proposals to choose from.
Our formal review of proposals starts on DATE. WMF staff will be posting information about scoring and selection of proposals on the committee mailing list and in the Workroom soon, so please keep an eye there!
Thanks again for joining us to help make impactful IEGrants :-)
- Sample of messaging for those who aren't selected to join
==IEG Committee candidacy==
Thanks very much for submitting your candidacy for the IEG Committee - we appreciate that you took the time to share your background and thoughts with us, and enjoyed learning about the awesome contributions you've been making to Wikimedia.
This round, the committee has not selected you to join as a member: we'd like to see you SUGGESTION BASED ON CRITERIA THEY DIDN"T MEET.
We encourage you to keep going with SPECIFIC THINGS THAT ARE AWESOME, and to also stay involved in IEG by commenting on IEG proposals and ideas in the IdeaLab - we need everyone's input and yours would be very appreciated as a community member. I hope that you will consider signing up as a candidate again in a future round. Thanks again for participating, SIGNED
![]() apply |
![]() review |
![]() engage |
IEG Committee Questions about IEG |
![]() IdeaLab | ||