Grants:Documenting project expenses/zh-tw

This page documents a process common to all or most of WMF's grants programs. Please don't edit this page, but please do create a discussion page instead.


  • 針對由維基媒體基金會的補助款所支付的費用,請保留原始的票據文件至少四年。如果補助案要求更長,則保留時間甚至會比四年要更久。一般而言,你並不需要將原始收據的實體文件寄回給基金會,除非基金會有特別要求。
  • 當你繳交補助結案報告之時,也請同時將票據的數位複本寄給基金會;若票據的數位檔案沒有繳交,結案報告是不會被基金會所接受的。基金會需要將票據複本儲存到自身擁有的伺服器中,以方便未來參考。所以請勿將票據文件放在非基金會的網站中,只繳交檔案連結。通常繳交數位檔案給基金會的方式有二:透過電子郵件寄送一組的收據數位檔,或是將圖片檔案放在一個壓縮檔之中。
  • 紀錄應該包含每一份支出的 (1) 發生日期 (2) 金額數量 (3) 支付原因 (4) 支付者(比方說,賣主的姓名)。如果支付單位通常不提供票據,你可以自己寫一份包含上述資訊的收據,並要求支付者簽名。
  • 如果票據並不是依照上述指引規範繳交,維基媒體基金會可能無法補助您的支出,甚至可能需要請您交回缺乏紀錄的支出項目。
  • 未來,基金會可能跟你聯繫,並詢問關於票據的問題,所以請你務必準備好回答的題目。




  • 部份支出通常是無法開發票或收據的,尤其金額小者(20美元以下)。有時候也很難自己建立票據。
  • 偶爾會發生以現金支付時原始票據丟失或銷毀了。(如果是用金融卡或信用卡支付的話,你至少在銀行帳戶中還有備份紀錄可以說明你在支付的金額與日期。)


  • 每份支出需要陳列 (1) 發生日期 (2) 金額數量 (3) 支付原因 (4) 支付者(比方說,賣主的姓名)。
  • 敘述每份支出用途。




You or your team may be reimbursed for project-related mileage / kilometrage if it is approved as part of your grant's budget. Please review the WMF's travel policy before including car travel in your budget, since we will rely on this policy to understand acceptable project-related mileage expenses. If you document your mileage using the guidelines below, then you are not required to keep receipts showing your fuel expenses.

  • Rates for reimbursement: For US-based car travel, use the IRS government rate of mileage reimbursement for business travel, which is currently US$00.565 per mile. This is equivalent to US$00.351 per kilometer. For travel outside the US you may either use a local rate for mileage or kilometerage reimbursement from another documented and reliable source. Otherwise, WMF is happy to provide you with a rate for your location based on an appropriate percentage of the IRS rate. To be reimbursed for project-related travel in a vehicle other than a personal car, please contact WMF staff.
  • Purpose of travel:Record the dates and times of each trip, the purpose of each trip (this must be project-related) and the addresses of your point of departure and point of arrival.
  • Distance traveled: Provide a map detailing the actual distance traveled by car. In almost any location, you may use a service such as Google Maps to generate this map. If cannot use the shortest available route, you may provide your rationale for using an alternative route.
  • If you are traveling with others, please include a list of those traveling with you and specify if those individuals are traveling for project-related purposes.
  • Eligible expenses:You may be reimbursed for tolls or cover them from grant expenses if you need to take a toll rode for project-related purposes. Reasonable parking expenses may also be eligible, but you will be required to submit a receipt for this type of expense. You may not use grant funds for other expenses related to the use of your personal vehicle unless they are explicitly approved in your budget.


Date Time City Vendor Vendor ID Amount Currency Purchase Purpose of purchase Receipt status
1 March 2011 15:32 IST Bangalore Meru Cabs Cab # 56723 200 INR Cab ride from the Canadian Consulate, Shivajinagar to the Ista Bangalore Swami Vivekananda Road, 1/1 Cab ride from meeting with project partner to my hotel Receipts not provided by this vendor
4 March 2011 12:30 CEST Lezhe, Albania Nikola's Pizzeri RRuga Luigji Gurakuqi 400 ALL Lunch: groshe, sallate jeshile Meal while in Lezhe for a Meetup of Albanian Wikipedians Receipts not provided by this vendor
9 May 2011 21:45 PDT Fresno, California Public Transportation (FAX) 1.25 USD Bus ride from 1839 North Echo Avenue to 3662 North Diana Street Bus ride home from event to help high school students learn to edit Wiktionary Receipts not provided by this vendor