Grants:APG/Proposals/2019-2020 round 1/Wikimedia Serbia/Proposal form



1. In order to support community review, please provide a brief description of your organization's work in the upcoming funding period.

In 2020, Wikimedia Serbia will continue to implement its three programs which have been redefined during the submission of the annual plan for 2018. Those three programs consist of the Education Program, the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) Program, and the Community Support Program. Through the realization of projects within them, we will actively cooperate with institutions that are dealing with formal and non-formal education, as well as institutions that perform their activities in the field of culture, but also digitization and preservation of cultural heritage. We will actively engage in  involving volunteers in these activities. The volunteers will be provided with technical and advisory assistance from the representatives of Wikimedia Serbia. In addition to making efforts to expand volunteer capacities, our focus will be achieving greater involvement of the Serbian Wikipedia community in the activities of Wikimedia Serbia. Our plan doesn’t have major changes in terms of planned activities. Most of the projects are being continued, bearing in mind that they are proven to be successful in the previous years. Some of the smaller photo projects are terminated because their themes are well covered with photos already.

Wikimedia Serbia is actively implementing a strategy valid for the period 2018 - 2020. As this period ends next year, the organization will carry out the process of creating a new strategy. It will include an evaluation of the current strategy and a series of iterations through which we will come to common conclusions about what path to choose, what changes and innovations to introduce.

2. Name, fiscal year, and funding period.

  • Legal name of organization: Wikimedia Serbia
  • Organization's fiscal year: 1 January 2020 - 31 December 2020
  • 12-month funding period requested: 99,500.00
  • Currency requested: EUR
  • Name of primary contact: Filip Maljković

3. Amount requested.

Table 1

Currency requested US$
Total expenses for the upcoming year 99,500.00 108,617.19
APG funding requested for the upcoming year 99,500.00 108,617.19
Amount of funding received from WMF for the current year 99,500.00 112,426.05

4. How does your organization know what community members and contributors to online projects need or want? Does your organization conduct needs assessments or consult the contributors and volunteers most involved with its work?
  • One of Wikimedia Serbia's programs is Community Support which aims to increase the motivation of Wikipedians and Wikimedians regarding their work on projects and other activities, as well as to reduce the gap between online and offline communities. Through various activities, we are working on community involvement in current projects and we are listening to their opinions and ideas. Questionnaires at conferences, camps and other events can often provide valuable feedback from volunteers. Based of these suggestions and comments, projects and activities are being created. The annual Wikipedian meet-up (WikiLive) is a good opportunity for editors of Wikimedia projects to gather at one place, share knowledge and transfer their ideas into clear projects. Wikimedia Serbia seeks to increase transparency and to inform the community of current global and local events via mailing list, blog, Village Pump and profile on social networks.
5. Please provide a link to your organization's strategic plan, and a link to your separate annual plans for the current and upcoming funding periods if you have them.
  • Strategy of Wikimedia Serbia for the period January 2018 - December 2020 (Serbian, English)
  • Separate annual plan of Wikimedia Serbia (Serbian)

Annual plan summary


Please add here:

  • Links to your annual plan and other annual documents in your language
  • A summary of your annual plan in English - this can be in wiki form, following the template you have chosen, or a link to a document that is accessible to all. Please if your document is a living document, upload a pdf version on this wiki for archival purposes.

The summary of your annual plan should roughly follow the following guide:

  • An overview/introduction describing your context and the strategy of your organization
  • An overview of your programs and activities
    • What you continue doing this year and why
    • What you intend to do that is new and why
    • What you wish to discontinue and why
  • A budget
  • A table with targets for Grants:Metrics (including your grantee-defined metrics)
  • Any other supporting document or narrative that you find adds context or gives important information for the evaluation of your request.



In 2020, Wikimedia Serbia will continue to implement its three programs which have been redefined during the submission of the annual plan for 2018. Those three programs consist of the Education Program, the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) Program, and the Community Support Program. Through the realization of projects within them, we will actively cooperate with institutions that are dealing with formal and non-formal education, as well as institutions that perform their activities in the field of culture, but also digitization and preservation of cultural heritage. We will actively engage in  involving volunteers in these activities. The volunteers will be provided with technical and advisory assistance from the representatives of Wikimedia Serbia. In addition to making efforts to expand volunteer capacities, our focus will be achieving greater involvement of the Serbian Wikipedia community in the activities of Wikimedia Serbia. Our plan doesn’t have major changes in terms of planned activities. Most of the projects are being continued, bearing in mind that they are proven to be successful in the previous years. Some of the smaller photo projects are terminated because their themes are well covered with photos already.

In 2019, Wikimedia Serbia was the main organizer of the CEE Meeting. In 2020, we will pass our conclusions to the next organizers hoping to see the progress and tangible results of these gatherings. As we have expertise, there is an indication that we will be organizing Edu Wiki conference in 2020. This is yet to be confirmed.

Wikimedia Serbia is actively implementing a strategy valid for the period 2018 - 2020. As this period ends next year, the organization will carry out the process of creating a new strategy. It will include an evaluation of the current strategy and a series of iterations through which we will come to common conclusions about what path to choose, what changes and innovations to introduce.

Wikimedia Serbia currently has three employees, since GLAM position has remained vacant since July 2019. The organization plans to find a new person to coordinate the GLAM program by the end of 2019. In that case, the number of employees will not change in 2020. Our desire is to expand and strengthen programs, and with that a team of people who will coordinate them.

As for the budget, Wikimedia Serbia will not increase the amount of funds requested, i.e. this amount will be the same as for the year 2019.



Education Program


The Education Program is intended for scientific and educational institutions, primarily teachers / students of secondary and higher education institutions. The goals of the program are directed towards the growth and development of Wikimedia projects by enriching the content from an academic perspective and adding new users from academia. Program aims to give incentive for the teachers in terms of better usage of Wiki projects in classroom. Projects within the Education Program are adjusted to the level of education and specific target group and they are being implemented through training and workshops on Wikipedia editing, seminars, edit-a-thons and other events. Within the framework of the Education Program, we will implement three projects: Wikipedia in schools, Accredited seminar and Edu Wiki camp. Each of the projects is aimed at a different target group which plays an important role in using Wikipedia in teaching. Since Education Program is one of the strongest, establishing partnerships and collaborations is not a problem anymore, but now we have to think about added values to our projects. We are exploring different parameters in terms of Edu Wiki camp’s evaluation, we’re adapting Wikipedia in schools to younger and older audience, we’re using Wikidata in classrooms, we’re creating more education resources in order to provide support not just to community members, but to public in general (e.g. video tutorials on editing Wikipedia).

Education Program is aligned with our strategy primarily within Wikipedia in education focus. The program will encompass working on education of pupils and students, teachers and assistants / professors from the educational institutions regarding editing Wikimedia projects. On the other hand, through this program we will be working on increasing free content (second focus) via students’ and pupils’ upload, but also on volunteer capacity (third focus), bearing in mind that Edu Wiki camp is designed to involve more people into the community.

GLAM Program


The goal of the GLAM program is to develop two-way cooperation with the cultural institutions in order to create and improve the availability of cultural and historical heritage of Serbia on the Internet. In this way we will help GLAM institutions treat materials they have (documents, photos, digitized books…) as national heritage, therefore as free knowledge that should be available to everyone. Established cooperations will serve as good examples and successful stories for various cultural institutions in Serbia, which we believe will implement similar project models and will go towards our shared goals. Wikimedia Serbia will be focusing on realization and continuation of stable and long-term cooperation with the cultural institutions, primarily those from the GLAM acronym, as well as all other cultural institutions that are willing to participate in creation of open and free content. Within the framework of GLAM Program, we will implement the following projects: Wikipedian in residence, Wiki-librarian, Digitization with Arabic Cultural Center, edit-a-thons, as well as other GLAM activities such as releasing multimedia files under Creative Commons licences, digitization, and editing Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. In addition to this, we’ll try to explore potential of Wikidata use in GLAM projects.

GLAM Program is aligned with our strategy primarily within the Free content focus. We’re focusing on free material that GLAM institutions have to offer and they are willing to make it available to broader community. As stated in the goal of the program, we want to help GLAMers in Serbia to raise awareness about importance of accessible content. In addition, volunteers are participating in edit-a-thons which are valuable events when it comes to increasing volunteer capacity.

Community Support


The Community Support Program is focused on establishing strong community, healthy working environment and increasing diversity among community members. We believe these are the basics when it comes to motivation of volunteers. Community is the core of the movement and Wikimedia idea of creating and sharing free knowledge. It is essential to have a strong and healthy community in order to have growing and sustainable projects. Activities within this program are specially designed to target different types of volunteers (online and offline). Through each of them we will be working on increasing the community participation in WMRS projects.  Within these activities, we will implement a local Wikipedian conference - WikiLive, competitions on Wikipedia and numerous support activities such as giving micro-grants, providing support to individuals, meet-ups and such.

Important part of the Community Support will be activities devoted to gender gap and diversity. WikiGap followed with by project focused on increasing the visibility of notable woman will raise awareness of the importance of women in society and the intellectual community. LGBT+ activities will continue in 2020. We expect this project to develop even more over the next two years since Belgrade will be the host of Euro Pride 2022.

Community Support is obviously related to increasing volunteer capacity when it comes to our strategic focuses. Various activities are designed to attract new volunteers, but also to improve capacity building. This is referred to both of our target groups (online and offline volunteers). Indirectly, within the Community Support Program, we are also working of enrichment of free content (e.g. Competitions on Wikipedia, edit-a-thons, WikiGap).  



As Wikimedia Serbia is currently implementing the Strategy defined for the period 2018 - 2020, it will be necessary to review the results of the current strategy in the coming year and create a new path for the organization. As the organization has now reached a much higher level of maturity, the process of developing strategy will be more inclusive and comprehensive in order to make the community more involved and to better reflect the goals.

Process will consist out of several iteration circles:

  • Forming a working group to lead the strategy development process. The group will ideally consist of members of the community, members of Wikimedia Serbia and some of the employees.
  • Involving some of the Strategic team from the Wikimedia Foundation to have role of an advisor.
  • Evaluation of the current strategy - whether the objectives have been achieved, whether the strategy has been sufficiently and properly implemented, to what extent the community has been involved in the implementation and so on. The results of the evaluation should be taken into account during the process of developing a new strategy.
  • The first step in creating a strategy - involving the community. Wikimedia Serbia will try to involve the community in the process through a general survey. This will be challenging since people are more keen in concrete and operative, rather than strategic matters.
  • Analyzing survey results and presenting them to the community. Additional time will be provided to comment on the results.
  • External analysis of the environment will involve the analysis of various external factors that may affect the organization's future performance (political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal).
  • Aligning strategy with movement strategy will be present every step of the way. This will be a part of survey, as well as a part of analysis.
  • Creating the first draft of the strategy which will be followed by some time for the community to comment and give suggestions.
  • Creating the final document.
  • Development of a strategic plan.
  • Adoption of the Strategy

Metrics & targets


In the table below, we’re presenting metrics which will be tracked, as well as targets we’re hoping to achieve.

Shared metrics

  1. Participants: The number of people who attend your events, programs or activities, either in person or virtually. This definition does not include people organizing activities, social media followers, donors, or others who are not participating directly.
  2. Newly registered: The number of participants that create new accounts on a Wikimedia project. These include users who register up to two weeks before the start of the event.
  3. Content pages: A content page is an article on Wikipedia, an item on Wikidata, a content page on Wikisource, an entry on Wiktionary, and a media file on Commons, etc. This metric captures the total number of content pages created or improved across all Wikimedia projects.

Grantee-defined metrics

  1. Usage of multimedia files: In this case, we will measure the number of multimedia files used to illustrate Wikimedia projects. In addition to the quantity of collected (or released) multimedia files, usage is also important because it shows their relevance and importance.
  2. Partnerships: This metric includes the number of established cooperations with educational institutions within the projects and activities of Wikimedia Serbia. These cooperations mean implementation of various projects in mentioned institutions, organization of edit-a-thons, workshops, lectures and exhibitions. We believe that this metric is important because it shows the growth of the program and the expansion of the associates’ network, and therefore improves the greater visibility of the organization and projects.
Metrics for all programs
Participants Newly registred Content pages Usage Partnerships
Education Program 1400 1200 1900 300 50
GLAM 250 70 2600 1160 20
Community Support 350 180 10500 4040 20
Total 2000 1450 15000 5500 90

In addition to these metrics, we will be tracking other measures of success, such as media coverage (shows us the visibility of the organisation and global idea in general), events (workshops, edit-a-thons, meet-ups), bytes within the Education Program (we can compare results and see program’s growth) as well as answers / suggestions / comments from evaluation forms. We use these metrics in different ways. We can notice the trends within specific programs. This might help us set targets for the next years, but also see how programs are evolving. Also, they are good in terms of dissemination of our results. Statistic data can help newcomers see the significance of Wiki projects and give them the sense of belonging to the global movement.

Results in 2019


According to the current plan and program, Wikimedia Serbia successfully implements all project activities. Results from the first half of the year were presented in the Progress report on Meta. In addition to the six-month report, we create internal quarterly reports in order to enable better monitoring and tracking of results.



As previously stated in the overview section, Wikimedia Serbia will not increase the amount of the requested funds compared to 2019. The requested amount is 99,500.00 EUR. It should be emphasized that Wikimedia Serbia will apply with project proposals within open call for funding by Ministries and other state institutions in order to gather additional fund for projects realization. Furthermore, we will continue to cooperate with partners that provide important in-kind donations to us (venues, laptops, the internet, etc.).

The table below provides an overview of the budget, while a detailed budget is available on this link:

Budget of Wikimedia Serbia for 2019
Categories Annual cost (EUR) Note
Office 11,570.00
Staff 51,216.00
Service 2,844.00
Contingency budget (plus Board budget and Currency Exchange Margin Rate) 2,500.00
Conference participations 4,800.00
Education Program 7,470.00
GLAM Program 6,950.00
Community Support 12,150.00
SUM: 99,500.00

Verification and signature


Please enter "yes" or "no" for the verification below.

The term “political or legislative activities” includes any activities relating to political campaigns or candidates (including the contribution of funds and the publication of position statements relating to political campaigns or candidates); voter registration activities; meetings with or submissions and petitions to government executives, ministers, officers or agencies on political or policy issues; and any other activities seeking government intervention or policy implementation (like “lobbying”), whether directed toward the government or the community or public at large. General operating support through the FDC may not be used to cover political and legislative activities, although you may make a separate grant agreement with the WMF for these purposes.
I verify that no funds from the Wikimedia Foundation will be used
for political or legislative activities except as permitted by a grant agreement

Please sign below to complete this proposal form.

IMPORTANT. Please do not make any changes to this proposal form after the proposal submission deadline for this round. If a change that is essential to an understanding of your organization's proposal is needed, please request the change on the discussion page of this form so it may be reviewed by FDC staff. Once submitted, complete and valid proposal forms submitted on time by eligible organizations will be considered unless an organization withdraws its application in writing or fails to remain eligible for the duration of the FDC process.
Please sign here once this proposal form is complete, using four tildes. FiliP ██ 17:38, 21 October 2019 (UTC)