Grants:APG/FDC portal/Feedback and continuous improvement of the FDC process/Process Survey/2014-15 Round 2

This is the summary of the survey results from the participants of the FDC process, 2014-15 Round 2.

This is the summary of the survey results from the participants of the FDC process, 2014-15 Round 2.


  • Respondents have spent 151 hours on average for APG/FDC related work (60% increase compared to Round 1), and 67% of them feel it’s about the right amount of time.
  • Respondents think that :
    • APG helps increase community voice in how movement funds are spent.
    • Application requirements of participants were reasonable and achievable.
    • Expectations and deadlines were clearly and effectively communicated.
  • Majority of respondents (89%) were satisfied of the overall process.

What went well

  • High quality in data collection, and analysis.
  • Staff were always available and competent.
  • Inputs for the FDC are getting better all the time.
  • Proposals from applicants have dramatically improved.

What could be done better

  • May require some rethinking the calendar in order to maintain the same level of quality from staff and FDC in particular.
  • The bar was set the very high and it was hard to stay up to standards.
  • Change in team dynamics (Anasuya’s absence) affected the consistency.
  • More guidance is required on how to set goals for the first time.
  • No rules changing during the round.
  • As the number of applicants increase, the number of FDC staff, and workload might need increase.
  • That the application be made in the language of the chapter.