, called the Grafana Wikimedia instance or just Grafana, is a project to present internal metrics about use and engagement with Wikimedia websites through Grafana, an open platform for analytics. The goal of the project is to provide whatever big data metrics Wikimedia projects collect about any activity which the Wikimedia community measures. The Wikimedia Performance Team maintains the instance and are the Wikimedia Foundation staff points of contact.

The information which Wiki Grafana presents which is likely to be of most interest to most casual Wikimedia project users are information about the numbers of users who edit and view various Wikimedia projects and how these numbers change over time. Most of the other data is a presentation of some focus on these uses, like engagement only in a particular project like Wikidata. As of April 2018 not much layman documentation exists for the Wikimedia instance, but Grafana as software has its own community.

The official page for the project is Please distinguish that this page on Meta-wiki is for general and layman Wikimedia community documentation, whereas the developers have their own documentation elsewhere.



It is unusual for any media organization to provide so much usage information so publicly. The data comes as it is. Any number of people, both within the Wikimedia Foundation or volunteers in the Wikimedia community, can change the queries. There might not be logs of who changed what when. No one makes any promises about this data. No one in particular is responsible for Wiki Grafana or makes promises about the meaning of the data.

Have fun with it! It is here because it is the best data that anyone has. If you have ideas to improve it then suggest them somewhere. There is no discussion forum or any particular support. You can post here but there is no community for conversation established here or anywhere else.

How to use


There are 1000s of options in the menus which suggest preset data visualizations and ways to get the data. Anyone with experience managing datasets ought to be able to navigate the interface. People with no experience navigating datasets might experiment and find something that interests them.

Explanation of terms


The project is not documented to the point were terms like "users" and "views" have a defined meaning that is consistent across Wikimedia projects. The only way to interpret the meaning of things is to examine the current query which generates a dataset. Any query could change as the project is immature.

