Fundraising committee/2006/Fundraising CORE

Fundraising CORE (Central Online Reporting Engine) is how the Wikimedia Foundation publicly tracks donations. It was developed in late 2006 just prior to the launch of a funddrive. It is located here:

Below are ideas on how this website may be improved prior to the next funddrive. FundCom/Internal-l users, please provide suggestions for improvement below. Everybody else, please provide your suggestions on the talk page.

General fixes/bugs

  • Progress bar serves no purpose outside of a drive and is confusing. Remove it.
  • should default to English translation when xx CORE translation does not exist.

User levels and access

  1. User levels
  2. If not already implemented, the ability of a super/root user to create and manage/assign user group permissions and access and do so through an online GUI (a single user can be part of multiple groups)
  3. Trusted user access: A set of trusted users should be able to set parameters for the site (see examples below)
    1. being able to put the site in fundrive mode (see below)
    2. Another group of users should have access to more detailed statistics and raw (yet anonymized) delimited data for use in offline processing

Fundrive mode

  1. The old tracking system had an ongoing donations section (default home page) and had pages that only tracked donations made during fundrives. Similar functionality is needed.
  2. A progress bar will only display when CORE is in fundrive mode
    1. When a goal is specified, the progress bar size will be set to the size of the goal (see previous drive bars for examples)
    2. When no goal is specified, the progress bar will grow with no indication that it will fill up (no tics). Bar width will grow pixel by pixel based on a user-specified value assigned for each pixel (example: grow bar by 1 pixel when the equivalent of US$10,000 is raised).
  3. A user class needs to be created that can specify when a future drive will run, the 'goal' (if one exists), and whether or not any particular day of the drive will have a match along with the size AND limit of that match (for example, a match might be for US$1.5 for each $1 equivalent donated up to $10,000).
  4. The CORE system will calculate match funds from the above set parameters.
    1. This really isn't possible. Our matching sponsors only loosely use matching as the basis for what they give. Once their actual matching donations come in, the system would have to distinguish which parts constitute matching and which parts are simply donations. --Davidstrauss 14:01, 14 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
  5. The funddrive home page will advertise any match and state the amount donated and matched for that day along with any remaining match funds for that day if a limit was specified.
  6. Any promised money from a match will show up as a single muted green color band on the progress bar.

Stats and graphs

  1. Pie graph of the USD value of each contributing currency on every 'Breakdown by currency' page. (Alternately, a bar graph might be better. Perceptual research starting in the '80s showed that pie charts are usually a bad way of presenting information.)
  2. Summary stats on declared country (with 'Unknown' as a value) from PayPal/Moneybookers data
    1. Two pie graphs shown side by side: One showing number of donations by country and another showing USD value from country
      1. Eye candy for CORE home/fund drive page: Showing bar graphs on a map of the world showing USD value contributed by nation
    2. We often don't have addresses from donors, and the cases where we do are skewed to the United States because the U.S. is the primary source of PayPal donations. --Davidstrauss 14:04, 14 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]