EduWiki Conference 2023/Program/Hacked the system

Logo for the EduWiki conference in Belgrade 2023 How we finally hacked the system - from dissemination to cooperation
Day: May 26, 2023
Time: 14:40 - 15:00
Room: Atrium Room

Our Students write Wikipedia programme reached the breaking point. It was stuck.

Cooperation with libraries has been half-breathed. Partners were not exactly interested in writing to Wikipedia…

How to turn upside down what you are doing? How is it that “let's go write Wikipedia with us” is not a selling point? 3 key elements/approaches that helped us to engage with those who were not responsive enough: work with what you have - the old Open Space Technology rules could be applied here - everybody who arrives is the right person, when it starts, it starts, when it is over, it is over… needs oriented, solution based, taylor-made programmes working with WikiProjects and WikiPortals - thematic clusters at Wikipedia

1 principal change - structural change to how we create and deliver our yearly Workplan across programmes and how to involve our partners, stakeholders and target groups into that.

Etherpad: #EduWiki_2023_Hacked the system