ESEAP Conference 2024/Submissions/WikiRenjana: Perpetuating Sundanese Culinary on Wikibooks Indonesia to Maintain Cultural Heritage

WikiRenjana: Perpetuating Sundanese Culinary on Wikibooks Indonesia to Maintain Cultural Heritage




WikiRenjana is a project to write 100 Sundanese culinary recipes on Wikibooks Indonesia. In the Indonesian language, the word 'renjana' can be interpreted as a strong feeling or love for something. This project originated from contributors' love for the Sundanese cultural heritage, particularly its culinary traditions. As we all know, the Sundanese ethnic group has a diverse and renowned culinary heritage. Even the Bandung city, as the cultural center of Sundanese culture and the capital of West Java Province, is ranked among the top 10 Best Food Cities according to Taste Atlas in 2023.

Unfortunately, information about typical Sundanese cuisines is not extensively documented in Wikimedia projects in Indonesia, including Wikibooks. Addressing this issue, contributors have initiated the WikiRenjana project to make information about Sundanese recipes available on Wikibooks. Therefore, anyone can access information about Sundanese culinary recipes easily and for free.

During the classroom presentation session, contributors aim to explain the process and future plans for the sustainability of the WikiRenjana project. In this regard, we plan to explore more Sundanese culinary treasures mentioned in ancient Sundanese manuscripts. We hope that the WikiRenjana project will inspire participants in ESEAP Conference 2024 to document culinary heritage in their respective regions and cultures. Furthermore, we hope that this project can serve as a bridge for us to collaborate with contributors and communities in the ESEAP region to collectively preserve culture, particularly in the culinary domain.

Relationship to ESEAP or to the theme


This project aligns closely with the theme of the ESEAP Conference 2024, "Collaboration Beyond the Horizon". This project highlights the cultural richness present in Indonesia, one of the countries in the ESEAP region. We are well aware that countries in the ESEAP region also boast distinctive and renowned culinary treasures. In line with this year's theme, we aim to present this project to create collaboration opportunities with individuals and communities in the ESEAP region to collectively document culinary heritage in Wikimedia projects, including Wikibooks. Therefore, people can easily access information about culinary recipes in the ESEAP region. Moreover, the sustainability of this program is a firm step toward preserving culture in the midst of this era of modernization. We must not allow the cultural richness and the values of local wisdom within it to be eroded by time. Hence, collaboration beyond the horizon needs to be fostered.



Session type





30 minutes (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion)

Session outcomes


At the end of the session, participants can draw lessons from our experience in running the WikiRenjana project. Moreover, towards the end of the session, we also aim to encourage participants to embark on projects for documenting traditional culinary in the ESEAP region and establish Wiki Love Culinary community.