ESEAP Conference 2024/Report/Hamidah B.S

The ESEAP Conference held from May 10th to 12th, 2024

This conference served as a platform for fostering collaboration and cooperation among countries in East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific. With a focus on the theme "Collaboration Beyond the Horizon," the conference aimed to address regional challenges and explore opportunities for joint initiatives.

Key features of the conference

Panel discussions, workshops, networking sessions, cultural exchanges, and the drafting of outcome documents to guide future collaboration efforts. Delegates had the chance to exchange ideas, share best practices, and build partnerships to promote economic, social, and cultural development across the region. Overall, the conference played a crucial role in strengthening ties and advancing cooperation among communities in the ESEAP region.

My Experience As a Presenter

My experience as a presenter at the ESEAP Conference on May 10-12, 2024, discussing the collaboration between Institute of Teacher Education Malaysia (IPGM) Kent Campus and the community in efforts to disseminate education without borders to the surrounding society is a great example of how educational institutions can become positive agents of change in society.

I have shared how the collaboration took place - perhaps through mentoring programs, awareness campaigns, or volunteer projects in which IPGM Kent Campus students and staff directly engaged with the local community. We also emphasized the importance of ongoing cooperation between educational institutions and communities, as well as the positive impact that can be seen through increased access to education and a better understanding of its importance.

I hope my experience have inspired other participants at the conference to explore similar collaboration opportunities in their own countries or regions. It also highlights the importance of education in shaping a better future for society and the nation as a whole. Thank you for sharing your valuable experience with the world!

In my session, I had the chance to share how my institution implemented programs in collaboration with the community, particularly in efforts to elevate the status of the Kadazandusun language. I discussed the importance of preserving and promoting indigenous languages like Kadazandusun, which are integral parts of our cultural heritage. I highlighted specific initiatives undertaken by my institution, such as language revitalization workshops, community-led language documentation projects, and the development of educational materials in Kadazandusun.

In my session, I had the chance to share how my institution implemented programs in collaboration with the community, particularly in efforts to elevate the status of the Kadazandusun language. I discussed the importance of preserving and promoting indigenous languages like Kadazandusun, which are integral parts of our cultural heritage. I highlighted specific initiatives undertaken by my institution, such as language revitalization workshops, community-led language documentation projects, and the development of educational materials in Kadazandusun. Through these collaborative efforts, we aimed to empower the Kadazandusun community to take ownership of their language and culture, fostering pride and a sense of identity among its speakers. Additionally, I emphasized the role of partnerships between educational institutions and local communities in achieving sustainable language preservation and revitalization.

Overall, my presentation highlighted the significance of collaborative initiatives in preserving and promoting linguistic diversity, cultural heritage, and community empowerment. It was inspiring to see similar efforts being discussed by other delegates, underscoring the importance of collective action in safeguarding our shared cultural heritage.

The Future

Looking into the future, the collaboration between the Kadazandusun community and Wikimedia holds immense promise for the preservation, promotion, and revitalization of Kadazandusun language and culture. Here are some potential future hopes for this collaboration:

1. Increased Visibility: Through Wikimedia platforms like Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, Kadazandusun language, history, and culture can reach a global audience. This increased visibility can help raise awareness about Kadazandusun heritage and foster appreciation for its richness and diversity.

2. Language Documentation and Preservation: Wikimedia projects provide valuable resources for language documentation and preservation. Kadazandusun speakers can contribute to Wikipedia by creating and expanding articles in their language, documenting vocabulary, grammar, and oral traditions. This helps in maintaining a digital archive of Kadazandusun knowledge for future generations.

3. Education and Empowerment: Wikimedia initiatives can empower Kadazandusun speakers, especially youth, by providing opportunities for digital literacy, research skills, and cultural expression. By participating in Wikipedia editing workshops or contributing multimedia content to Wikimedia Commons, community members can gain valuable skills while actively preserving their heritage.

4. Community Engagement and Collaboration: Wikimedia projects can serve as platforms for community engagement and collaboration. Kadazandusun organizations, educational institutions, and cultural groups can work together to organize edit-a-thons, photo contests, or storytelling events focused on Kadazandusun themes. These collaborative efforts strengthen community bonds and promote a sense of ownership over cultural representation.

5. Cultural Revitalization: By integrating Kadazandusun content into Wikimedia projects, the community can revitalize its language and culture in digital spaces. This can inspire pride among Kadazandusun speakers, encourage intergenerational knowledge sharing, and counteract language loss and cultural erosion.

6. Global Networking and Advocacy: Engaging with Wikimedia opens doors for global networking and advocacy. Kadazandusun advocates can connect with other indigenous communities, language revitalization experts, and cultural preservationists worldwide to share best practices, resources, and strategies for sustaining linguistic and cultural diversity.

Overall, the collaboration between the Kadazandusun community and Wikimedia offers a promising pathway towards safeguarding and celebrating Kadazandusun heritage in the digital age. By leveraging the power of Wikimedia platforms, the community can chart a course towards a future where Kadazandusun language and culture thrive and continue to enrich the global tapestry of human knowledge and diversity.

About The ESEAP Conference

How about considering some suggestions to further enhance the ESEAP Conference in the future?

Engagement with Local Communities - Involve more local communities as partners in planning and organizing the conference. This not only provides opportunities to expand networks but also ensures that the conference has a positive impact on the local community.

Awareness Campaigns - Before the conference, run awareness campaigns to raise awareness about the issues to be discussed. This could involve the use of social media, blog articles, or pre-conference webinars to generate interest among participants and ensure the conference is more meaningful.

By carefully planning and executing the conference, the ESEAP Conference will continue to be a valuable platform for promoting cooperation among countries in the region and fostering sustainable and inclusive development across East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific.