Content Partnerships Hub/Helpdesk/Content Upload/Template
Content Partnerships Hub
Improving the Wikimedia movement’s work with content partners
Content Uploads
Justification (to be filled in by applicant)
This section will be answered by the volunteer or affiliate making a request.
- Does it contribute to filling gaps?
- Does it help local or global campaigns or events?
- Will you learn new skills through the project?
- Will it show the content partner the benefits of working with Wikimedia?
- Is the project innovative?
Checklist (to be filled in by Helpdesk team)
This section will be answered by the Helpdesk team.
Are all technical issues clear and documented?
Are all legal and ethical issues addressed?
Risk assessment
Have the risks (financial, reputation, unmanageable workload, social, legal) been assessed and the overall risk found to be low or manageable?
Is there a campaign, a competition, an affiliate etc. to make sure that the content is used on the platforms? Will it contribute to building capacity or developing capabilities in the movement? Will the movement learn something from the project?