Community Wishlist Survey/Prioritization/ru

This page is a translated version of the page Community Wishlist Survey/Prioritization and the translation is 60% complete.

This article is written for the volunteers, enthusiasts of Community Wishlist Survey and advanced contributors. We, Community Tech, want to describe how we plan our work on proposals after the voting phase ends. We hope to explain our processes of software development. We welcome feedback about the clarity of this document.

В результате каждого Опроса пожеланий сообщества получается новый список предложений, отсортированный по числу голосов. За прошедшие годы мы поняли, что вкладываться в работу именно над первыми десятью из них — не лучшая идея.

Вместо этого вы разработали метод расстановки приоритетов над предложениями. Мы оцениваем их систематическим и прозрачным образом. Расстановка приоритетов помогает нам решить, как проводить работу так, что мы могли реализовать как можно больше предложений. Есть несколько соображений:

  • Популярность предложения должна быть очень важным фактором при принятии решения о выборе, но не единственным.
  • Лучше всего работать над предложениями стратегически и реализовать как можно больше из них.
  • Инженеры и дизайнеры должны иметь возможность работать вместе, не мешая друг другу. Например, пока дизайнер изучает предложение и готовит для предложений визуальную составляющую, инженеры фокусируются на чисто технических предложениях.
  • It is best to communicate transparently with the communities rather than hiding the details. Visibility builds trust and dialogue.

When prioritizing, we review the 30 most popular proposals. We do not review any proposals below that, because we are not be able to grant more than 30 wishes per year. We score the proposals based on popularity, technical and product & design complexity, as well as community impact. The following summarizes the criteria:

photo of prioritization score
Prioritization Score for Community Tech Proposals

Once every proposal is scored, we rank them and work according to this ranking. Only then we can:

  • Work on the most possible number of wishes with the resources we have.
  • Choose to make the biggest impact while taking maintenance and complexity into account.

Мы также советуемся с другими командами Фонда и разбираемся, работают ли они уже над проектами, связанными с поступившими предложениями.

Техническая сложность


Our engineers estimate how much effort they would need to put into granting a wish. They prioritize less complex (more workable) projects. Whenever something is not clear, they try to overestimate rather than underestimate.

  • Technical dependency – we check if the work requires interactions with other Wikimedia Foundation teams. It could be that part of the work needs to be on other teams' roadmap or that we need other teams' input or feedback before we can complete the wish. Examples of these are schema changes, security reviews, adding a new extension, and upgrading third-party libraries.
  • Technical research – we ask ourselves if we know how to approach a particular problem. Sometimes we need to evaluate and consider our options before we can start thinking about a solution. Sometimes we need to confirm that what needs to be done can be done or is within what the platform we are working on can handle.
  • Technical effort – we ask ourselves how familiar we are with the underlying code and how big or complex the task can be. A high-effort score could also mean that the code we'll be working with is old, brittle, or has some degree of technical debt that will have to be dealt with before we can start working on our actual task.


Each of these is ranked on a 1-6 scale:

1 — Наименьшая сложность
  • Техническое решение является очень простым — Участник сталкивается с проблемой в ограниченном числе случаев, и она относится к конкретному участку кода
  • Решение может уже существовать — в виде гаджета, разработанного членом сообщества, расширения или кода в публичном репозитории
  • Код знаком членам инженерной группы Технической команды сообщества
  • Требуется незначительное тестирование качества с 1 задачей
2 — Сложность ниже среднего
  • Техническое решение имеет чёткий характер — Участник сталкивается с проблемой в ограниченном числе случаев, и она относится к конкретному участку кода
  • Solution might already exist, developed by a community member in the form of a pre-existing gadget, extension, or code in a public repository
  • Код знаком членам инженерной группы Технической команды сообщества
  • Поддержка почти не требуется
  • Нужна минимальная переработка кода
  • Код может стать зависим от сторонних ресурсов
  • Требуется незначительное тестирование качества с менее чем 5 задачами
3 — Средняя сложность
  • Technical solution is open-ended-- the problem exists in multiple parts of the user experience as well as one or multiple parts of the codebase or repositories
  • Решение отсутствует, или есть частичное
  • Члены Технической команды сообщества незнакомы или малознакомы с кодом
  • Требуется некоторый уровень поддержки
  • Может быть нужна переработка кода
  • Вероятно, код становится зависим от сторонних ресурсов
  • Перед выпуском требуется тестирование качества с 5 и более задачами
4 — Сложность выше среднего
  • Technical solution is open-ended-- the problem exists in multiple parts of the user experience as well as one or multiple parts of the codebase or repositories
  • Решение не внедрено
  • Члены Технической команды сообщества незнакомы или малознакомы с кодом
  • Требуется поддержка
  • Требуются некоторые изменения схемы баз данных
  • Требуется переработка кода
  • Changes to authentication/security components are required i.e. authentication, feature flags, access controls
  • Вероятно, код становится зависим от сторонних ресурсов
  • Перед выпуском требуется тестирование качества с 5 и более задачами
5 — Высокая сложность
  • The technical solution has unknowns-- the problem exists in multiple parts of the user experience as well as one or multiple parts of the codebase or repositories
  • Может быть нужна разработка системы или нового инструмента
  • Члены Технической команды сообщества незнакомы с кодом
  • Требуется поддержка
  • Могут быть нужны некоторые изменения схемы баз данных
  • Требуется переработка кода
  • Changes to authentication/security components are required i.e. authentication, feature flags, access controls
  • Вероятно, код становится зависим от сторонних ресурсов
  • Перед выпуском требуется тестирование качества с 5 и более задачами
6 — Крайне высокая сложность
  • The technical solution has many unknowns-- the problem exists in multiple parts of the user experience as well as one or multiple parts of the codebase or repositories
  • Может быть нужна разработка системы или нового инструмента
  • Члены Технической команды сообщества незнакомы с кодом, связанным с пожеланием
  • Требуется поддержка
  • Требуется значительная переработка кода
  • Могут быть нужны сложные изменения схемы баз данных
  • Требуется значительная переработка кода
  • Changes to authentication/security components are required i.e. authentication, feature flags, access controls
  • Код становится зависим от сторонних ресурсов
  • Перед выпуском требуется тестирование качества с 10 и более задачами

Сложность дизайна и конечного продукта


Similarly to the assessments above, our designer estimates what effort should be made to complete a project. They prioritize less complex (more workable) projects. Whenever something is not clear, they tries to overestimate rather than underestimate.

  • Design research effort – we seek to understand the level of research needed for each proposal. In this case, the research involves understanding the problem, either at the very beginning through initial discovery work (the scope and details of the project, surveys or interviews with community members), or later in the process through community discussions and usability testing (e.g. how do users contribute with and without this new feature).
  • Visual design effort – a significant number of proposals require changes in the user interface of Wikimedia projects. Therefore, we check to estimate the change of the user interface, how many elements need to be designed and their complexity. For instance, using existing components from our design system or creating new ones, keeping in mind how many states or warnings need to be conceived to help guide users, including newcomers.
  • Workflow complexity – we ask ourselves how does this particular problem interfere with the current workflows or steps in the user experience of editors. For example, a high score here would mean that there are a lot of different scenarios or places in the user interface where contributors might interact with a new feature. It can also mean that we might have to design for different user groups, advanced and newcomers alike.


Each of these is ranked on a 1-6 scale:

1 — Наименьшая сложность
  • Дизайнерское решение включено в предложение — Это техническое исправление, не требующее изменений интерфейса
  • Не требует сбора данных
  • No discovery user survey collection
  • Не требует немодерируемого (без подсказок) пользовательского тестирования
  • Не требует разработки дизайна
2 — Сложность ниже среднего
  • Changes are isolated to just a single page inside of the experience with limited number of states (i.e. changes only impact one page / one wikimedia project)
  • Requires little to no initial data collection to understand behavior and pain point via survey or quantitative data
  • Не требует или почти не требует немодерируемого (без подсказок) тестирования
  • Prior to tackling the wish, we already collected the data necessary to make informed product & design decisions
3 — Средняя сложность
  • Prior to tackling the wish, we already collect most of the data to make informed product & design decisions but may require tracking new data prior to starting to understand the problem
  • Requires unmoderated user research but it is not difficult to “source” users for those flows
  • May touch more than one page in the experience but it is generally limited to a subset of the experience and straightforward
  • Необходима разработка дизайна для 1 типа потребностей участников
4 — Сложность выше среднего
  • Prior to tackling the wish, we already collect some of the data to make informed product & design decisions but may require tracking new data prior to starting to understand the problem
  • Requires unmoderated user research but it is not difficult to “source” users for those flows
  • May touch more than one page in the experience but it is generally limited to a subset of the experience and straightforward
  • Requires a survey at the beginning of wish
  • Необходима разработка дизайна для не более чем 2 типов потребностей участников
  • Touches more than one page in the experience but it is generally limited to a subset of the experience and straightforward
5 — Высокая сложность
  • Requires qualitative discovery and quantitative data collection
  • Requires unmoderated user research and the users for the research are hard to source given the complexity of wish
  • Может потребовать разработки дизайна для включения в интерфейс новой технической информации
  • Requires touching multiple pages in the flow
  • Requires a survey at the beginning of wish
  • Requires touching multiple pages in the flow and or has cross-project implications
  • Impacts across multiple user states, for example
    • Редакторы
    • Читатели
    • Корректоры и т. д.
6 — Крайне высокая сложность
  • Requires investigation by the process of qualitative discovery and quantitative data collection
  • Potentially controversial implications that must be mitigated by working with communities
  • Requires unmoderated user research and the users for the research are hard to source given the complexity of designs
  • Requires designing for a “learning curve” or introducing new technical information into the UI
  • Requires touching multiple pages in the flow and or has cross-project implications
  • Impacts across multiple user states and across needs:
    • Редакторы
    • Читатели
    • Contributors
    • Новички

Community Impact

In contrast to the two perspectives described above, this part is about equity. Practically, it's about ensuring that the majorities aren't the only ones whose needs we work on.

Depending on this score, proposals with similar numbers of votes and similar degrees of complexity are more or less likely to be prioritized. If a given criterion is met, the proposal gets +1. The more intersections, the higher the score. This assessment was added by our Community Relations Specialist.

  • Not only for Wikipedia – proposals related to various projects and project-neutral proposals, are ranked higher than projects dedicated only to Wikipedia. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Autosave edited or new unpublished article|Autosave edited or new unpublished article]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.
  • Sister projects and smaller wikis – we additionally prioritize proposals about the undersupported projects (like Wikisource or Wiktionary). We counted Wikimedia Commons as one of these. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Tool that reviews new uploads for potential copyright violations|Tool that reviews new uploads for potential copyright violations]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.
  • Critical supporting groups – we prioritize proposals dedicated to stewards, CheckUsers, admins, and similar groups serving and technically supporting the broader community. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Show recent block history for IPs and ranges|Show recent block history for IPs and ranges]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.
  • Reading experience – we prioritize proposals improving the experience of the largest group of users – the readers. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Select preview image|Select preview image]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.
  • Non-textual content and structured data – we prioritize proposals related to multimedia, graphs, etc. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Mass uploader|Mass uploader]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.
  • Urgency – we prioritize perennial bugs, recurring proposals, and changes which would make contributing significantly smoother. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Fix search and replace in the Page namespace editor|Fix search and replace in the Page namespace editor]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.
  • Barrier for entry – we prioritize proposals about communication and those which would help to make the first contributions. [[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Show editnotices on mobile|Show editnotices on mobile]] is an example of a prioritized proposal.

2022 Results ranked by Prioritization Score

These scores may change when we start working on the proposals. As we explained above, we have tried to overestimate rather than underestimate. Check out the proposals, in order of prioritization:

Wish Popularity Rank Votes Engineering Score Product and Design Score Community Impact Score Prioritization Score
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Autosave edited or new unpublished article|Autosave edited or new unpublished article]] 29 69 1.0 0.3 2 2.66
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Get WhatLinksHere's lists in alphabetical order|Get WhatLinksHere's lists in alphabetical order]] 22 74 1.3 0.3 2 2.63
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Enable negation for tag filters|Enable negation for tag filters]] 26 71 2.0 0.3 2 2.47
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikisource/Fix search and replace in the Page namespace editor|Fix search and replace in the Page namespace editor]] 11 93 2.3 0.7 2 2.47
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Improve SVG rendering|Improve SVG rendering]] 5 108 4.0 0.8 3 2.44
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Notifications for user page edits|Notifications for user page edits]] 2 123 1.3 1.7 1 2.38
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Check if a page exists without populating WhatLinksHere|Check if a page exists without populating WhatLinksHere]] 14 89 2.7 0.7 2 2.38
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Tool that reviews new uploads for potential copyright violations|Tool that reviews new uploads for potential copyright violations]] 4 109 4.3 2.7 4 2.21
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/IPA audio renderer|IPA audio renderer]] 9 97 3.0 2.7 3 2.15
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Reading/floating table headers|floating table headers]] 24 73 1.0 2.7 2 2.14
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Mass-delete to offer drop-down of standard reasons, or templated reasons.|Mass-delete to offer drop-down of standard reasons, or templated reasons.]] 25 72 1.0 2.7 2 2.14
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Formatting columns in table|Formatting columns in table]] 19 77 4.0 0.3 2 2.11
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Select preview image|Select preview image]] 8 100 3.0 2.0 2 2.07
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Translation/Add DeepL as a machine translation option in ContentTranslation|Add DeepL as a machine translation option in ContentTranslation]] 20 75 3.3 0.0 1 2.06
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Search/Change default number of search results displayed|Change default number of search results displayed]] 12 92 2.0 1.7 1 2.05
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/Better diff handling of paragraph splits|Better diff handling of paragraph splits]] 1 157 3.3 2.3 1 2.04
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Table sorting on mobile|Table sorting on mobile]] 17 83 2.3 1.7 1 1.92
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Enhanced Move Logs|Enhanced Move Logs]] 10 96 2.7 2.3 1 1.79
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Bots and gadgets/Gadget: Who is active|Gadget: Who is active]] 26 71 1.3 4.0 2 1.76
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Show recent block history for IPs and ranges|Show recent block history for IPs and ranges]] 3 120 4.0 3.7 2 1.61
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Admins and patrollers/Reminders or edit notifications after block expiration|Reminders or edit notifications after block expiration]] 20 75 3.3 3.2 2 1.57
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Wikidata/Autosuggest linking Wikidata item after creating an article|Autosuggest linking Wikidata item after creating an article]] 12 92 3.3 3.8 2 1.53
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Full page editing|Full page editing]] 30 67 2.0 3.7 1 1.42
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Miscellaneous/Allow filtering of WhatLinksHere to remove links from templates|Allow filtering of WhatLinksHere to remove links from templates]] 6 106 5.0 3.3 2 1.40
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Citations/Automatic duplicate citation finder|Automatic duplicate citation finder]] 6 106 3.0 4.2 1 1.36
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Editing/VisualEditor should use human-like names for references|VisualEditor should use human-like names for references]] 22 74 3.3 4.0 1 1.12

In addition, if you are interested in viewing a more granular version of the sub-components that make the prioritization scores, we've made the individual sub-components public:

These are proposals which we found will be worked on by other teams at the WMF or third-party open source when we went through the process of estimating their complexities:

Tasks for other Product teams
Wish Popularity Rank
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Anti-harassment/Deal with Google Chrome User-Agent deprecation|Deal with Google Chrome User-Agent deprecation]] 15
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Show editnotices on mobile|Show editnotices on mobile]] 15
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Mobile and apps/Categories in mobile app|Categories in mobile app]] 18
[[Community Wishlist Survey 2022/Multimedia and Commons/Mass uploader|Mass uploader]] 28

Полезная терминология

Unmoderated user research

Using a tool like to run “mocks” of our proposed design changes and see if we are designing the right wish solution-- it’s called “unmoderated” because we let users click around and see our designs makes sense without having to explain it to them

Quantitative data collection

The process of collecting data to understand how users are interacting with the current UI to understand the wish’s pain points -- be it data regarding clicks, visits, downloads, sessions etc. Data is often limited when we first tackle a wish due to lack of tracking it prior to wish, or nonexistent data due to privacy reasons

Qualitative data collection

Understanding the wish’s problem space by talking directly to users, be it interviews or via a survey at the beginning of the wish to understand the pain points and clarify how to tackle a solution

“Sourcing” users

The process of finding users who have the knowledge required to participate in our user tests and give us the information we need to understand if our design and product decisions are headed in the right direction. Some wishes are for advanced users, which are hard to source and not available in tools like

Переработка кода

The process of making the existing code more maintainable so that other people may contribute to the code, as well as removing technical debt and bugs.

Изменения схемы базы данных

The alteration to a collection of logical structures of all or part of a relational database. When a change to an existing database is needed, it must be designed and then approved by a team external to CommTech. This usually takes more time and adds structural complexity to the project.

Сторонний код

Код, написанный не Технической командой сообщества, в т. ч., например, API или библиотеки.