Community Wishlist/Wishes/Revert the merger of non-Town Halls into Town Hall categories

Revert the merger of non-Town Halls into Town Hall categories


< All wishes


In 2015 and 2016, an administrator decided to merge all city hall categories, village hall categories, borough hall categories, and similar government buildings into the town hall categories, simply because he wasn't certain on the legal definition of a city, village, borough, or town in each state of the United States. His fanaticism actually got to the point where categories such as "Chicago City Hall" are miscategorized as "Town halls in Illinois," and he even threatened to salt any attempt to restore the correct categories. Cities, boroughs, villages, and county seats, are not towns, and the government offices designed to govern them should not be categorized as town halls. The appropriate categories must be restored, and the right to add these categories must be restored.

Assigned focus area


Type of wish


Wikimedia Commons

Affected users

Readers and editors who know the difference between a city, town, village borough, and other forms of government beneath county level.

Other details

  • Created: 11:36, 27 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 11:36, 27 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: DanTD (talk)