Community Wishlist/Wishes/Fixing technical issue concerning named reference in content translation

Fixing technical issue concerning named reference in content translation Open

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(I apologize if my poor English skills make this hard to read) (Note: After writing this, I realized that situation this error might be limited, but nevertheless I believe that this should be addressed) Currently, when articles that uses named references are translated using content translation, every syntax that invokes a named footnote becomes the syntax to become the same as the syntax it invokes. For example, every

<ref name="name" />


<ref name="name">content</ref>

This causes error messages that read "The named reference "name" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page)." to appear multiple times.

Many articles in Wikipedia are translated from other languages. This is why reducing the burden of addressing this technical issue is important. Solving this problem will save us translators more time to contribute to Wikimedia projects.

As a solution to this problem I suggest the following design: When translation using content translation states, every <ref name="name" />

is replaced with

<ref name="name">content</ref>

When translation ends, every :<ref name="name">content</ref>

with same content, except for the one that first appear in source is replaced with :<ref name="name" />

Special rules apply when editing only a section of an article: if the rules described above is applied when editing only a seection, this could create two same named references in one article.

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

Bug report

All projects

Affected users

Translators using content translation

Other details

  • Created: 08:20, 25 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 21:43, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: Chirua (talk)