Community Wishlist/Wishes/Android app: once clicked link its pop-up appears again and again.


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In the Android app a clicked link in an article is conveniently shown in a preview. But, if one leaves the app for a moment, the pop-up appears again and again, it just changes if another link in the article is clicked and it will replace the former.

It doesn't seem to much of a problem, but if you edit an article and constantly change apps to look up something in the browser as most common example, it is ennoying to remove the pop-up everytime you come back to your edit. The solution would probably be to limit the pop-up to appear just once (and then only when the link is called once again).

Assigned focus area


Type of wish

Bug fix


Affected users

Editors who use the Android app

Other details

  • Created: 17:07, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Last updated: 17:09, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
  • Author: MenkinAlRire (talk)