Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 539-TC31

Question 539 (TC31)

This question has few responses.

Be cautious with interpreting the results.

What are the three (3) most important areas, if any, that need improvement at Wikimedia technical events in order to improve collaboration?

Participants could select more than one option

30% did not select an option [?]

1 – General information about the event (9%)
2 – Information about the program and each session (9%)
3 – Information about sessions for newcomers (4%)
4 – Information about speakers (9%)
5 – Information about other participants (4%)
6 – Background information about Wikimedia tech (17%)
7 – Remote participation before and after the event (30%)
8 – Remote participation during the event (43%)
9 – Registration process (0%)
10 – Travel sponsorship process (22%)
11 – Call for participation process (22%)
12 – Look & feel of the event website (0%)
13 – Timing or length of the event (4%)
14 – Evening social activities (0%)
15 – Day care for kids (0%)
16 – Alternative activities for partners (4%)
17 – Other (explain): (13%)


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 23 (100%)
Answered question[?] 16 (70%)
Did not select an option[?] 7 (30%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)