Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 528-TC03

Question 528 (TC03)

In which of the following ways have you participated in planning the Wikimedia Foundation’s software development work? Select all that apply.

Participants could select more than one option

4% did not select an option [?]

1 – Wikimedia Foundation Strategy process (22%)
2 – Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan process (18%)
3 – Wikimedia Foundation Quarterly Goals process (16%)
4 – Wikimedia Foundation consultations about specific software projects (33%)
5 – Community Wishlist Survey (52%)
6 – team, project, beta feature pages (37%)
7 – Phabricator (72%)
8 – wikitech-l or other technical mailing lists (52%)
9 – I don’t follow Wikimedia Foundation’s software development planning (9%)
10 – Other (please explain) (6%)
11 – Developers Summit (34%)
12 – Developers Summit (34%)
From the technical contributors who participated in this question, the three most often ways reported for participating in planning the Wikimedia Foundation’s software development work were phabricator (72%), community wishlist (52%), and mailing lists (52%).


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 67 (100%)
Answered question[?] 64 (96%)
Did not select an option[?] 3 (4%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)