Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 278-PR04

Question 278 (PR04)

Which of the following describe challenges you have when accessing research materials for your Wikimedia work? (select all that apply)

The materials I need..

Participants could select more than one option

4% did not select an option [?]

1 – ... are not available in digital formats (71%)
2 – ... are behind a paywall (67%)
3 – … require me to travel great distances (27%)
4 – ... are only accessible at a library or other provider during my hours of employment (22%)
5 – ... cannot be accessed legally in my location, because of licensing restrictions (22%)
6 – ...are hard to use with my internet access or editing device (9%)
7 – ...for another reason (specify): (5%)
71% of participants selected that resources are not available in digital formats and 67% selected that materials are behind a paywall.


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 281 (100%)
Answered question[?] 269 (96%)
Did not select an option[?] 12 (4%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)