Community Engagement Insights/2016-17 Report/Question 125.01-CE03

Question 125.01 (CE03)

In the past 12 months, how often have you been attacked (name-calling, threats, etc. directed at you) when contributing to a Wikimedia project because of...--Your race or ethnicity or because people think you are of a certain race or ethnicity

Median = 2

1 – Never (26%)
2 – Rarely (32%)
3 – Sometimes (26%)
4 – Often (12%)
5 – Almost always (3%)
Forty-one percent of survey participants indicated in the past 12 months they have sometimes, often or almost always been attacked because their race or ethnicity.


Response statistics Value
Total participants[?] 400 (100%)
Answered question[?] 34 (9%)
Skipped question[?] 366 (92%)
Dropped out[?] (not available)
Selected not applicable[?] not an option
Participants in graph (n)[?] 34 (9%)
Margin of error[?] Unknown
Descriptive statistics Value
Normal distribution[?] Unknown
Mean[?] 2.32
Median[?] 2
Mode'[?] 2
Standard deviation[?] 1.09
Interquartile range[?] 2
