CentralNotice/Wiktionary logo vote

Text for a CentralNotice about the Wiktionary/logo/refresh/votings proposal.

Please submit proposed translation changes or updates here (rather than at the individual translated pages). Insert your line and change the translation status to ready.

== qqq ==
{{cn translation status|qqq|ready}}
* Your preferences for [http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiktionary/logo/refresh/voting the new Wiktionary logo] are needed now!
* Second round of voting: 2010-01-01 — 2010-01-31

Thank you for your translations. Please try to keep them in alphabetical order. If you have time, please help translate the voting page too.

  • es/español (published)
  • ¡Se necesita su opinión para decidir el nuevo logotipo del Wiktionary!
  • Segunda ronda de la votación: del 01/01/2010 al 31/01/2010

zh-classical edit

zh-hans edit

zh-hant edit