Celtic Knot Conference 2024/Submissions/(Forensic) science and Gaelic on Wikipedia

Submission no.

About the submission

Title of the submission

(Forensic) science and Gaelic on Wikipedia

Type of submission
  • Lightning talk – Short 10-minute presentation
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal)

Many young people associate the Gaelic language with the educational domain and for many young people educated through the medium of Gaelic, the language does not make a significant contribution to their identity. Gaelic is considered as a language that is associated with traditional ways of life (mostly with connotations of rural island living). This project, which is in the very early stages, is building on a previous project to introduce Gaelic speaking young people to a new domain for the use of the language: forensic science. The first phase of this project involved introducing young people to forensic science activities through the medium of Gaelic through hands-on activities and the next phase will be to develop these activities further and encourage these young people to contribute Wikipedia articles on these topics through the medium of Gaelic. This will make expand the range of different topics that is available on the Gaelic version of Wikipedia, support the development of linguistic competences in young people in terms of Gaelic and introduce a new domain for the language, showing that the language can be used for a range of different functions, including those not traditionally associated with the language.

Theme of session
  • Momentum Unleashed: Overcoming Barriers, Igniting Progress;
What will attendees take away from this session?

Learn about a new project and the challenges (and opportunities) for Gaelic

Language of presentation


If you intend to submit a poster, an you have an example of one you have used in the past please include a link below

About the author

Author of the submission

Inge Birnie

E-mail address


Country of origin


Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)

University of Strathclyde

Slides or further information (optional)
Special requests

It might be helpful if my presentation is scheduled a bit later on day 1 if possible at all (due to teaching commitments on Tuesday night - and hoping to fly from Glasgow to Dublin immediately after but there might be not be a late night bus to Waterford (or a late evening flight)

Is this Submission a Draft or Final?

Interested attendees


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