Keltische Knoten-Konferenz 2024/Wopytać

This page is a translated version of the page Celtic Knot Conference 2024/Attend and the translation is 52% complete.

The Celtic Knot wotměje so in Waterford City, Irska, wot srjedy, 25. do pjatka, 27. septembra 2024. Byrnjež so zarjadowanje na městnje wotměło, móža remote-wobdźělnicy wobsahi konferency online slědować.

Chłóšćene suki
Wikimedia-rěčna konferenca
25 september 2024-27 september 2024
Waterford City, Irska

☘️ Witajće

🗒️ Program

🛰️ Satelitowe zarjadowanja


💬 Suki ze sobu

⏯️ Video-Pool

📯 Aktualizowanja

Wostańće na tym, dalše informacije k satelitowym zarjadowanjam a kak móžeće k tomu přinošować, so bórze na tutej stronje přidadźa.

Městno přewjedźenja

Městnosć zarjadowanja je Tower Hotel, Waterford City - je při mall a napřećo Reginald's Tower.


Tickets for the conference include:

  • Entry to all conference sessions
  • Access to the Gala dinner on Friday, September 27
  • Access to Waterford museums with the museum pass
  • A city walking tour
  • Workshops and other evening entertainment

Purchase your ticket here


Tower Hotel

Self-funded attendees who wish to book accommodation at the venue can do so by contacting the Tower Hotel directly (scholarship recipients have their accommodation confirmed by the organisers and will receive specific information.)

The hotel has reserved a block of special-rate rooms for conference attendees. Please note that these special rates are available until July 24, 2024.

Booking Information:

  • Reference Number: #108974
  • Booking Method: Call the Tower Hotel and quote the reference number to reserve a room.
  • Confirmation: Guests must confirm their rooms with names and card details before 24th July 2024.
  • Release of Rooms: Any unconfirmed rooms after 24th July 2024 will be released.

Other Accommodation Options:

Waterford City offers multiple other accommodation options within walking distance of the conference venue. These include hotels, bed and breakfasts, and guesthouses.

Travel to the venue

Waterford City is accessible via several transportation options. Below is a template for essential travel information. Please fill in the missing details specific to your travel routes.

By Air

  • Nearest Airports:
    • Dublin Airport (DUB)
    • Cork Airport (ORK)
  • Transportation from Airports to Waterford:
    • Dublin Airport: Direct bus services available; estimated travel time: 2.5 hours.
    • Cork Airport: Bus services available; estimated travel time: 2.5 hours.

By Train

  • Nearest Train Station: Waterford Plunkett Station
  • Travel Time:
    • From Dublin: Approximately 2 hours

By Bus

  • Bus Services: Direct services from major cities like Dublin, Cork, and Limerick.
  • Bus Companies: Bus Éireann, JJ Kavanagh’s, Dublin Coach.

By Car

  • Driving Directions: Detailed directions from major cities.
    • From Dublin: Approximately 1.5  hours
    • From Cork: Approximately 1.5  hours
    • From Limerick: Approximately 2 hours

Parking: There is limited parking available at the Tower Hotel. For more information please see the FAQ on the Tower Hotel’s website.

Local Transportation

  • Taxis: Available throughout Waterford City. Download the Rapid Cabs App or call +353 51 85 85 85

Public Transport: Bus services within the city; nearest bus stop to the venue is located on Parnell Street or on Merchant’s Quay.

We look forward to welcoming you to Waterford for the Celtic Knot Wikimedia Languages Conference 2024!


Scholarship applications are now closed. Unfold the box below to read more about the scholarship process.


Lětuša Celtic Knot Conference wotměje so wosobinsce w Irskej. Dokelž so tute zarjadowanje na kwantiske rěče w Europje koncentruje, koncentrujemy so na podpěru wosobinskeho wobdźělenja ludźi z bydlenjom w europskich krajach, ale budźemy tež ludźi podpěrać, kotřiž chcedźa konferencne wobsahi wotdaloka sćěhować.

Poskićamy dwě družinje stipendijow:

  • Wosobinske stipendije, kotrež zastupny popłatk za konferencu, pućowanske, přebywanske a zastaranske kóšty za přijimarjow za čas konferency wotkrywaja.
  • Digitalne stipendije za wosoby, kotrež so wotdaloka wobdźěla, w formje eSIM-datowych paketow, kotrež so do konferency spřistupnjeja.

Doba požadanja skónči so 30. junija wo 23:59 UTC a budźemy so prócować, požadarjow hač do kónca julija wo wuslědku jich požadanja informować.

Dalše informacije

Wobdźěłanje digitalnych stipendijow so wot Wikimedia Community Ireland wotwisuje. Pućowanske knihowanje za wosobinske stipendije so wot pućowanskeho teama Wikimedije Foundation wotwisuje.

Prócujemy so wo digitalne stipendije wo eSIM-datowych pakćikach k dispoziciji, kotrež so do konferency za najwyšu sumu 80 EUR spřistupnjeja. Byrnjež to naša prěnja wólba při poskićenju digitalnych stipendijow była, smy sej wědomi, zo njeje to snano za wšitkich stipendiatow přistupne, a budu so na naprašowanje tak derje kaž móžno na potrjeby zaběrać. Měli so pakćiki z datami stipendiatkow a stipendiatow docpěć, móža so tute jenož narunać, hdyž su kwitowanki dočasa dojednane a pola WCI dóšli.

Jeli maće problemy ze swojim požadanjom abo maće prašenja, wobroćće so prošu na Richard Nevell (WMUK) (richard.nevell

Wuběrowe kriterije

Team konferencneje organizacije hódnoći požadanja na zakładźe slědowacych kriterijow:

Wosobinske stipendije:

  • Rěčće jednu z ćežišćowych rěčow konferency: bretonšćiny, walizišćiny, gaeilge (irsce), mincéir Tori/Gammon (Cant), šotisce gàidhlig, manx, kornisch, baskšćina, frizišćina, jendźelšćina, šotisce.
  • Angažowane w kulturnej, lokalnej abo rěčnej zhromadnosći jedneje z ćežišćowych kulturow konferency (inkluziwnje, ale njewobmjezowane na wikimedia-projekty): iršćina, iršćina-traveller, walizišćina, šotisce, bretonšćina, žitniša, manx, baskišćina, frizišćina.
  • Je na projektach Wikimedia-projektow powšitkownje wobdźělene (wobdźěłanje, zjawnostne dźěło atd.).
  • Móže so k wuměnje wědy/k přesadźenju projektow we wobłuku swojeje community po konferency zawjazać.
  • Wosoby, kotrež z europskeho kraja zapućuja, maja prioritu.
  • Prioritu maja wosoby, kotrež so jako přiwuzni podreprezentowanych skupin splahow identifikuja, inkluziwnje, ale njewobmjezowane na nje-cis-muske wosoby.

Digitalne stipendije:

  • Rěčće mjeńšinowu rěč.
  • Angažowane w kulturnej, lokalnej abo rěčnej zhromadnosći minorizowaneje kultury (Wikimedia, ale nic jenož).
  • Je na projektach Wikimedia-projektow powšitkownje wobdźělene (wobdźěłanje, zjawnostne dźěło atd.).
  • Prioritu maja wosoby, kotrež so jako přiwuzni podreprezentowanych skupin splahow identifikuja, inkluziwnje, ale njewobmjezowane na nje-cis-muske wosoby.

Scholarship FAQ

Q: What types of scholarships are available? A: We offer both onsite scholarships, covering event tickets, travel, and accommodation, and digital scholarships, covering data packages for virtual attendance.

Q: How do I apply for a scholarship? A: You can apply for a scholarship by filling out the application form available on the Attend page of our website. Please follow the instructions provided.

Q: Who is eligible to apply for a scholarship? A: Scholarships are open to all individuals interested in attending the conference, with dedicated places set aside for members of underrepresented communities.

Q: How do I apply for a scholarship? A: You can apply for a scholarship by filling out the application form available on the Attend page of our website. Please follow the instructions provided.

Q: What is the deadline for scholarship applications? A: The deadline for scholarship applications is Sunday, June 30th.

Q: When will I be notified if I receive a scholarship? A: Notifications will be sent out within two weeks after the application deadline.

Q: What expenses do scholarships cover? A: Onsite scholarships cover event tickets, travel, and accommodation. Digital scholarships cover data packages for virtual attendance.

Q: Can I apply for both onsite and digital scholarships? A: Yes, but you will need to apply for each scholarship type (in person or online).

Q: Do I need to provide any documentation for my application? A: No, there is no requirement to provide documentation during the application process. If you’re successful in your application documents will be needed for travel arrangements.