Categories of wikipedias should be named by language, not nationality or ethnicity


The expression "Spanish Wikipedia" is ambiguous and can be offensive. It is ambiguous because it can mean "Wikipedia of España" (nationality) or "Wikipedia in Spanish" (language). The first meaning is false, and it is also potentially offensive, because this wikipedia is written by (and felt as property of) editors from Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, USA, etc. on equal terms and rights as editors from Spain (their former colonizing metropolis). That is why in WP:ES, that wiki is defined as "Wikipedia en español", not “española”. (I have realized that the opposite is made in other wikipedias: WP:EN is named as "English Wikipedia", although it is obvious that it is not the WP of England.)

On the contrary, naming the categories by the name of the language as in "Wikipedia in English", a) is not ambiguous, b) it responds faithfully to reality and c) it avoids potential political conflicts, such as the following examples:

1) There is a category named “Russian Wikipedia” (instead of “in Russian”) and another named “Wikipedias in the languages of Russia”. This last a title is not truth: it must be “Wikipedias in the languages of Russia differents from the one (and hegemonic) called Russian”. A speaker of tatar and editor of the “Wikiepdia in Tatar” is as Russian as an editor ot the “Wikipedia in Russian”.

2) In Aragon, a region of Spain, 100% of the population speaks Spanish, a smaller percentage speaks Catalan, and only 1% speaks the language called Aragonese. The “Wikipedia in Aragonese” (this is how this wikipedia defines itself) is the one writen in that language. There is not any “Aragonese Wikipedia”. Actually we could say that three are three Aragonese (nationality) wikipedias: the one writen in Spanish (majoritary), the one writen in Catalan (minority) and the one writen in Aragonese (the most minority).

That is why I propose to change the name of the categories to reflect the truth and avoid unnecessary conflicts. Pompilos (talk) 15:15, 17 January 2024 (UTC)Reply

In case we do not want to name all wikipedias homogeneously with the name of the language, at least the choice of the editors of each wikipedia must be respected. They have chosen to refer unambiguously to the language (among many others):
Pompilos (talk) 12:40, 18 January 2024 (UTC)Reply
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