Category talk:Mediawiki Extensions/Old requests and news

Mediawiki extensions add functionality of mediawiki. are they? What other extensions besides EasyTimeline?

How can i configure extensions? Can anyone help. Thanks.

MediaWiki does not currently have a stable, documented API. It also has little in the way of appropriate hooks for extensions to use. Parser extensions such as EasyTimeline and WikiHiero are relatively independent of the rest of MediaWiki, simply taking some text and transforming it to give HTML. There are also special page extensions, which generally need to use more functions from the rest of the code base. In CVS there's the simple demonstration extension test:Special:UnicodeConverter, and some specialised approval voting code Special:Boardvote. All of these extensions are enabled by including the header file from LocalSettings.php.
There's no easy way to add skins at the moment, despite some modularity in the relevant code. -- Tim Starling 01:09, 31 Aug 2004 (UTC)

GraphViz Extension


I developed a simple extension to make graphs online at the wiki, the name is GraphViz exetension, its based on graphviz (of course) and you can view the page here : GraphViz also you can view the original page with samples here.

SVG Extension to mediawiki


Again i develop a extremely simple extension to mediawiki that allows us to put a SVG graph online, its based on [easytimeline] PHP script. You can view a sample at my wiki and instruction on how to download . It requires Batik (of course)

Color code under mediawiki


This is a simple extendion to color the code under the wiki, it works using enscript, and runs quite well, you can see it at User:Coffman/Syntax Highlight and you can show it working at Wickle Syntax highlight

Edit-Side Extensions?


Hi, I'm working on trying to figure out a way to track geographical coordinates inside a wiki so that a search can be conducted based on geography. I run into a problem trying to implement this just as an extension, because as far as I can tell there isn't a kind of extension that can be processed one way when a page is edited and another way when a page is being rendered to html. Can anyone help me understand this? (my Wikipedia handle is Plowboylifestyle)-- 06:00, 12 Mar 2005 (UTC)


Geshi Syntax Highlight


Based on the Syntax higlight code, Skr made modifications to use another highlight backend, its named Geshi and it uses PHP. The color generated is cool and in my opinion nicer than the one with enscript: Geshi Syntax Highlight
Usage: <perl></perl>
Knows: Actionscript, ADA, Apache Log, ASM, ASP, Bash, C, C for Macs, C#, C++, CAD DCL, CadLisp, CSS, Delphi, DIV, Eiffel, GML, HTML, Java, Javascript, Lisp, Lua, Microprocessor ASM, NSIS, Objective C, OpenOffice BASIC, Oracle 8 SQL, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Q(uick)BASIC, Smarty, SQL, VB.NET, Visual BASIC, Visual Fox Pro, XML

Invision Board Integration Hack?


Can someone write mediwiki extension to integrate invision board 2.0 or 2.1 with mediawiki 1.5?

Version differences


Would be really nice if developers indicated the latest version of MediaWiki their extension works with. Not that I'm complaining (much) - I am grateful for all those talented people willing to contribute their work.

That's the problem with MediaWiki extensions. They might well work *currently* but upgrade MediaWiki and anything dependent on the extension may no longer work unless the extension is also upgraded. If the extension author for whatever reason doesn't upgrade, a lot of work making use of the extension is out the window. A stable API that is tested as part of the MediaWiki upgrade is needed really. --Ikester 07:56, 25 December 2005 (UTC)Reply



Either I'm missing something or there is no single easy way to track basic mediawiki statistics.

I want to know things like how many edits my wiki has gotten in the past week, month, etc. How many hits? How many unique users / editors?

It seems like there is lots of statistical content that could easily be generated. Is there no easy way to do these things?



Hi I need to sketch a lot of chemicals LaTeX can produce chemsketches as you can see here [1] is it possible to implement ChemTex.Sty into MediaWiki ? -- 01:47, 24 December 2005 (UTC)Reply

LaTeX Extension using pdflatex and htlatex


Hello, I have implemented a small extension for latex, that allows to use an installation of latex and htlatex to first create a downloadable pdf (if an error occurs, the error message of latex is shown), and if nothing serious happens, calls htlatex to create a HTML-Version, that is shown in an iframe [2]. This should solve all problems concerning not ported latex extensions. A warning: Only use it in trusted areas and be sure, you read the README. I don't currently have the time to improve the extension, so everybody is free to do so under terms of GPL. Regards.

WikiSVN Subversion Repository Browser


WikiSVN is a MediaWiki extension which allows the integration of Subversion repositories. It's based on the PECL svn bindings by Alan Knowles and the fileinfo package by Ilia Alshanetsky. Code highlighting is done with GeSHi. By now the following Subversion features are supported:

  • Browsing of repositories by revision
  • Display the log history
  • Detailed view on any changeset, including unified diffs
  • Viewing of source files (binaries are offered for download)

After the simple installation you can integrate any Subversion repository reachable by DAV_SVN. All registered repositories are listed on the Special:SVN page and can be linked directly from any wikipage.


I was having trouble getting Joshua Oreman's ImageLink extension to work on my Media Wiki site(most likely user error on my part) so I played with it and got it to work you can check it out here.



Look at this WikiViz:

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