CIS-A2K/Events/Online session with Samyak on bridging gender gap

Bridging gender gap in Wikimedia projects is one of the focus area of CIS-A2K events. To generate quality content, we are developing partnerships with various organisations working on gender related issues. In the last two years content generation was done with Lek Ladaki Abhiyan, Samuchit Envirotech and Saptahik Vivek. The events were organised as part of Women's History Month.



Samyak is an organisation based in Pune working mainly on gender related issues. As the members are active in advocacy and awareness generation programmes, they took initiative to organise an online session. The first introductory session on Wikimedia projects was conducted on 12 November between 3 to 4 pm. Total four members attended the session. The gender gap on Wikipedia was discussed in the beginning with some examples. The listing of resources developed by organisation was started for re-licensing process. The discussion on major articles related to transgender/LGBTQ communities was also done. The skill building workshops on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons are planned in next quarter.