CIS-A2K/Events/2019/Mini TTT Hyderabad 2019

< CIS-A2K‎ | Events‎ | 2019

The Mini TTT Hyderabad 2019 was organized on 6, 7 July 2019, at Hyderabad, India. This workshop attempted to groom trainers in Wikimedia community members of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. This event specifically focused on theme - "Retention".

Event details



S.No Time Description Resource person Purpose
1 10 am - 10.15 am Introduction to the event Pavan Santhosh To introduce and explain theme, design and expected impact of the event to participants
2 10.15 am - 10.30 am Code of Conduct and Friendly space policy Suswetha Kolluru To explain CoC and Friendly space policy of the event and make participants aware of the expectations in this regard
3 10.30 am - 10.40 am Introduction of participants



Theme and Design


Retention is central theme of Mini TTT Hyderabad 2019. This event is designed to build leadership in community to work collaboratively in improving Retention. Sessions during Day 1 and first half of day 2 were planned to help participants understand and work on retaining new wikimedians. Existing active Wikimedians from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh were participants. Later half of the second day was reserved for a session to apply ideas and plan emerged earlier. Participants are expected to work on retaining new Wikipedians whom they started working with during last session of the event. In this way, follow-up and impact of the whole event is part of design of event itself.