CEE/Newsletter/May 2018/Contents/Regional report

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Regional report: CEE Spring finishes; Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest


CEE Spring 2018 finishes with 8868 articles created or improved

By Braveheart

The preliminary results for CEE Spring 2018, which finished at midnight on May 31st, are:

  • 8923 articles were created in 25 different Wikipedias,
  • with Ukraine leading the way with 2041 articles,
    • followed by Serbia with 760,
      • and Poland with 752.

These numbers will probably change, but it is already clear that CEE Spring 2018 was a better year than 2017 :-) You can view the full stats at Wikimedia CEE Spring 2018/Statistics/Article list.

Also, the project proposal for the CEE Spring awards was timely approved during May.

Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest (3 May - 15 July)

By Rossella Vignola
Wiki4MediaFreedom contest

Drawing on a GLAM initiative called Wiki4MediaFreedom Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso Transeuropa has launched the Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest! The Wiki4MediaFreedom initiative aims at boosting the availability of accurate knowledge on media freedom and pluralism in Europe on Wikipedia, resulting in open-access, freely reusable quality contents for the wider public in multiple languages.

So far, the Wiki4MediaFreedom editorial effort has focussed on media landscapes and other media freedom-related issues in South-east Europe, the Eastern Partnership countries, and Turkey, as well as Visegrád countries, and Baltic States.

Dozens of quality articles have been created and updated in English, focussing on specific topics like transparency of media ownership; media concentration; access to public information; censorship and self-censorship, with a set of country entries developed for each of them.

Now it is time to further share this knowledge with the wider Wikipedia community and foster societal engagement at local level to increase the ownership of Wiki4MediaFreedom in several CEE languages across Europe: that’s why on the World Press Freedom Day (May 3rd) we launched the Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest to invite the community to contribute and join the Wiki4MediaFreedom initiative in support of media freedom, pluralism and quality journalism in Europe and beyond.

Within the Wiki4MediaFreedom Writing & Translation Contest, you can:

  • translate an existing article from English into the other target languages, i.e. Italian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian.
  • update and improve existing articles in English.

We invite users to translate into the target languages the articles on the recently killed journalists Daphne Caruana Galicia and Ján Kuciak which are currently present only in a few linguistic editions of Wikipedia.

Target languages are: English, Italian, Albanian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian.

The contest has been symbolically be launched on May 3rd, 2018, i.e. World Press Freedom Day, and will last till July 15th, 2018.

We propose a list of articles for translation or improvement. The list is available in the page in META. Participants can freely choose to work on further items, provided they are added to the list.

A jury, composed of experts in the field of media freedom and Wikipedians, will review the articles translated, improved and updated and award prizes to the winners. Prizes will be given for the two categories, i.e. Translation and improving/updating content, to the top three scorers. Prizes are online gift voucher.

  • TRANSLATION / across languages
  1. first place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 50
  2. second place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 30
  3. third place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 20
  1. first place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 50
  2. second place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 30
  3. third place: Amazon voucher of the value of EUR 20

Thank you for your kind attention! For any further information, please feel free to contact the organisers at vignola@balcanicaucaso.org