Brazil Program/Education program/Communication/Chamada a professores - segundo semestre de 2012/Communication plan

Communication Strategy


Open Call


The call to professors will be open in the last school week in São Paulo at USP, UNESP, UNICAMP, FGV SP and PUC and in Rio de Janeiro at UFRJ, UNIRIO, UFF, UERJ and FGV. Close to São Paulo city we will try to outreach UFABC and Unifesp.

In São Paulo we are going to use mainly our institutional contacts and in Rio de Janeiro mainly our network of professors and students, although in these carioca universities we are also going to try to reach professor through the institution administration, which can be more difficult because of the strike in federal universities in São Paulo.

Possibly email to other states universites will be sent, see the talk page. The brochure will be sent as a link in the email if ready on time.

São Paulo


USP (Cidade Universitária): an email will be sent to all professors through the graduate and undergraduate offices in the week of June 25. Contact in person already done and these offices are just waiting our emails.

  • extension and culture office
  • graduate and undergraduate offices (all "pro-reitorias")
  • graduate schools offices (history, sociology, philosophy, physics math etc.)

USP (Leste): an email will be sent to all professors through our institutional contacts in the week of June 25.

UNESP: an email will be sent to all professors through our institutional contacts in the week of June 25.

UNICAMP: an email will be sent to professors from our network in the week of June 25.

FGV SP: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

PUC: an email will be sent to all professors through our institutional contacts in the week of June 25.

UFABC and Unifesp: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

Rio de Janeiro


UFRJ: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

UNIRIO: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

FGV: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

UFF and UERJ: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

Rio Grande do Sul


UFRGS: an email will be sent to professors from our professors network in the week of June 25.

Other Media


Social Media

  • Release a link and a short note on the Open Call on Wikimedia Brasil Twitter and Facebook accounts and group
    • When: once a week
  • Release a link and a short note on the Open Call on Wikipedia-pt Twitter and Facebook accounts and group
    • When: first and last weeks

Wikipedia in Portuguese and Wikimedia Brasil

  • Publish an announcement in the first week and a notice in the begining of the last week

Mailing Lists

  • Send to related interest mailing lists and ask professors currently engaged in the program to share on their academic mailing lists
  • Wikimedia Foundation All Mailing list (or other?)


  • Share with journalists who we have talked to about the Education Program and the Catalyst Program (end of first week)

Talking to Professors

  • Making sure all professors currently engaged in the Program are aware of the open call and making sure they understand what changes and what does not change with the Open Call



We decided to wait and gauge the need to engage other journalists and other media attention. We don't want to over-publicize and have far too many applications, both because it would be hard to rate them, but also because we could risk disappointing more people than necessary. If we come to mid-July and find that we could use some more applications, we will plan on engaging these mediums.

Ambassadors recruitment



  • 18 25:
    • email to professors will be sent to insitutional contacts and professors (N. B. this depends on the email and URL to be configured)
    • Phone calls or presential outreach at UFRJ, UERJ, UFF and UNIRIO
    • Wikimedia and Wikipedia PT communications
  • 26:
    • Social Media communications
    • Mailing lists communications
  • 28:
    • the contractor will outreach in person each USP school in case the administrative office take more than 2 days to send the email to all professors
    • Email for ambassadors recruitment will be sent to all USP schools students
    • Press
  • 10:
    • Assess the need for further promotion
    • If needed, contact journalists for publicity