Audiovisuals of Igbo Dances (AID) Project/project design and implementation

This project is designed in four stages namely:

  • Field Work - This entails activities to produce about 16 videos of igbo dances focusing on history, significance, performance, costumes and demography in collaboration with native performers, owners and guardians of the particular cultural dances across Imo, Anambra, Abia, Ebonyi and Enugu states. In addition, audios of the pronounciation of the names of the dances as well as images that illustrates elements of performance, costumes and instruments were captured as well. The activities and preparations involving the project core team took place for a period of about 3 months.
  • Post-production, Documenting and Digitizing Contents - This include cutting, fine-tuning and subtitling of the produced videos and images from the field work. The final versions of the videos, images and audio pronounciations are then archived on Wikimedia Commons, Internet Archive, Wikisource and Library of Congress among others.
  • Community Engagement - This includes engaging community members from Igbo Wikimedia Usergroup and Wikimedia Nigeria Imo State Network to create articles for the documented dances on igbo wikipedia; wikidata items for the dances and instruments; and uploading relevant images, audio recordings as well as videos to the created articles, wikidata items and existing articles about the dances on english wikipedia.
  • Knowledge Sharing - This includes creating visibility and use for the project through sharing knowledge to relevant institutions, media and publications.