Amnesty and Wikipedia/Improve existing human rights articles

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Name Country Organizational affiliation Thematic Focus/ rights defended Main points to highlight in the profile beyond affiliation and thematic focus. Sources of information Other Wikipedia Pages to link to Images/ logo Action suggested Assigned to Region
Mandie McKeown UK Tibet Mandie has worked tirelessly in the Tibetan freedom movement since 2000 and works daily to find solutions to end the human rights violations there. In 2008 during the Olympics Mandie took part in a peaceful action in Beijing and received a 10-day sentence by Chinese authorities. link tbc AI UK Europe
Angela Glendenning UK Hannah is the founder of Baby Basics UK, a charity supporting vulnerable women, such as asylum seekers and women fleeing domestic abuse, who cannot afford basic equipment for their newborn babies. The organisation provides clothing, toiletries and other baby equipment. Baby Basics now has 30 centres across the UK. link link tbc AI UK Europe
Hannah Peck UK Baby basics Refugees and VAWG and Children/Families Hannah is the founder of Baby Basics UK, a charity supporting vulnerable women, such as asylum seekers and women fleeing domestic abuse, who cannot afford basic equipment for their newborn babies. The organisation provides clothing, toiletries and other baby equipment. Baby Basics now has 30 centres across the UK. link tbc AI UK Europe
Joy Lewis UK Adopt an intern Workplace Equality In 2009, Joy founded the social enterprise Adopt An Intern to tackle the problem of unpaid internships across the UK’s businesses. A strong advocate for diversity and inclusion, she works with top companies to implement quality paid internships and graduate schemes, helping place more than 1,450 people across 800+ companies. link link tbc AI UK Europe
Vicky Spratt UK Make renting fair housing Vicky is a campaigning journalist, documentary maker and housing campaigner.  Her campaign Make Renting Fair succeeded in getting letting fees for tenants in England banned. She has also spoken at political conferences about the need for fairness and security in renting and highlighted how serious the problem it is. link tbc AI UK Europe
Klina Jordan UK Make votes matter electoral reform Despite resenting politics as ‘two groups of blokes shouting at each other,’ Klina was spurred on by the 2015 general election to found electoral reform campaign Make Votes Matter. She’s instrumental in the fight for proportional representation in the House of Commons, arguing that women and ethnic minorities will be better represented by this system. link link tbc AI UK Europe
Polly Harrar UK Sharan Project VAW Polly set up the Sharan Project to support Asian women suffering from abuse and gender-based violence. Whether it is forced marriage or domestic abuse the Sharan project provides ongoing support for women and helps them rebuild their lives. Polly works tirelessly for this cause, providing resources that empower women to make informed choices about their future. link tbc AI UK Europe
Joeli Brearley UK Pregnant then screwed Reproductive health and rights and Children/Families Founder of Pregnant Then Screwed, a project which protects and supports the victims of pregnancy and maternity discrimination and campaigns for cultural and legislative change. Joeli works to break down the inequalities women encounter from the point that they get pregnant. link link tbc AI UK Europe
Estela de Carlotto link

AND MORE link link

Argentina Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo link Update article Americas
Mercedes Doretti link

link link

Argentina EAAF Update article Americas
Debora Silva Maria link Brazil Mães de Maio already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Maria da Penha link Brazil defensora dos direitos das mulheres contra violência doméstica link Update article AI Brazil Americas
Sonia Correa link Brazil women's and SRR already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Panmela Castro aka Anarkia Boladona link Brazil artista urbana, ativista pelo fim da violência contra as mulheres e violência doméstica, feminista negra Update article AI Brazil Americas
Creuza Maria Oliveira link Brazil Presidente da FENATRAD (Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores Domésticos) Rights of black women, domestic workers already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Sonia Guajajara link Brazil Indígena arariboia already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Djamilla Ribeiro link Brazil already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Beatriz Moreira Costa/ Mãe Beata de Iemanjá link Brazil luta contra a intolerância religiosa, em defesa das religiões de matriz africana, dos direitos das mulheres (especialmente mulheres negras) e dos direitos humanos already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Laudelina de Campos Melo link Brazil Rights of black women, domestic workers Already on the page Update article AI Brazil Americas
Lélia González link Brazil Update article AI Brazil Americas
Monique Evelle link Brazil Desabafo Social young black women's rights Update article AI Brazil Americas
Yolanda Becerra link Colombia Organización Femenina Popular, link Derechos de la Mujer Activista feminista y pacifista colombiana fundadora y Directora Nacional de la Organización Femenina Popular - link. link link


Update article AI Spain Americas
Francia Márquez link Colombia La Toma Update article Americas
Berenice Celeita link Colombia NOMADESC Update article Americas
Laura Pollán link Cuba Update article Americas
Sonia Pierre link Dominican Republic MUDHA Update article Americas
Sergia Galvan link Dominican Republic MUDHA Update article Americas
Magaly Pineda Antonia Tejada link Dominican Republic Update article Americas
Morena Herrera link El Salvador link Update article Americas
Aura Lolita Chavez link Guatemala Update article Americas
Yolanda Oqueli link Guatemala Update article Americas
Norma Cruz link Guatemala Fundación Sobrevivientes: link Violencia sexual y feminicidio Activista y feminista guatemalteca reconocida por su lucha en contra de la violencia sexual y el feminicido. Caso de la carpeta. link. link link. link. Update article AI Spain Americas
Yassmin Barrios link


Guatemala Update article Americas
Marleine Bastien link Haiti/USA FANM , Femme Haïtienne Nan Miami Update article Americas
Colette Lespinasse link Haiti Update article Americas
Berta Caceres link

link link link link link link

Honduras Copinh Need to correct birth date Copinh wiki page Update article Americas
COPINH link Honduras COPINH: link Derechos del pueblo lenca, TLERDs Add section on WHRD and their role in COPINH Article link

link link link link link link

Update article AI Spain Americas
Jeanette Kawas link


Honduras Update article Americas
Bertha Oliva link Honduras Cofadeh ADAM: 90651 Update article Americas
Carolyn Gomes link Jamaica Update article Americas
Consuelo Gloria Morales Elizondo link


Mexico CADHAC Update article Americas
Digna Ochoa y Plácido link

link link

Mexico Centro PRODH Update article Americas
Luz Estela Castro Rodríguez aka Lucha Castro link Mexico CEDEHM, Justicia para nuestras hijas Update article Americas
Alberta "Bety" Cariño Trujillo link México CACTUS Derechos humanos defensora de derechos humanos mexicana y directora del CACTUS (Centro de Apoyo Comunitario Trabajando Unidos), una organización comunitaria en Oaxaca, México. El 27 de abril de 2010, Bety y el observador internacional finlandés Jyri Antero Jaakkola fueron asesinados. Su caso sigue abierto. Caso de la carpeta. link. link. link ADAM ID 102755 Update article AI Spain Americas
Mariclaire Acosta Urquidi link Mexico Freedom House, CIDE, academic, civil servant Update article Americas
Francisca Ramírez link Nicaragua Consejo Nacional en Defensa de nuestra Tierra, Lago y Soberanía TLERD link


Update article Americas
Yren Rotela Paraguay REPADIS Defensa de los derechos de las personas LTGBI, específicamente el colectivo trans. Derecho a la no discriminación Yrén Rotela es una mujer trans, con amplia trayectoria en la defensa de los derechos de las personas trans. Su casó sentó precendete jurídico para la comunidad trans, ya que logró adoptar su nombre social. Galardonada con el Premio Peter Benenson por la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos de AI PAraguay en el 2015. Inició su carrera política en el 2017, como integrante del Partido Kuña Pyrenda. link


Update article AI Paraguay Americas
Line Bareiro Paraguay Varias. EFC, ONU Mujeres a nivel local Abogada y Politóloga Feminista Referente del feminismo, académica y feminista contemporánea. Asesora de ONU Mujeres. Reconocida feminista histórica. link Update article AI Paraguay Americas
Lilian Soto Paraguay Política feminista Política feminista y activista contemporánea. Casos de amedrentamiento recientes documentados en contra de ella: acoso online, targetting de medios de prensa, por pronunciarse a favor de la igualdad de género link link Update article AI Paraguay Americas
Maxima Acuña link Peru n/a environment; land; water; Indigenous link WHRDs, Human rights in Peru, etc ADAM 235205 Update article AI Peru Americas
Gisela Ortiz link Peru Justicia y Memoria ADAM ID 58111 Update article AI Peru Americas
Raída Cóndor link Peru Justicia y Memoria already on the page Update article AI Peru Americas
Angélica Mendoza Ascarza link Peru Justicia y Memoria already on the page Update article AI Peru Americas
Kenita Placide link St. Lucia Update article Americas
Marvinia Jiménez link Venezuela add WHRD tag + add AI info (case we campaigned on) already on the page Update article Americas
Liliana Ortega link Venezuela COFAVIC (Comité de Familiares de Víctimas

de los sucesos de Febrero-Marzo de 1989)

impunity /human rights Lawyer and founder and director of COFAVIC, longstanding activism, awards, threats / provisional measures by the IACtHR. link

link link link link

link Update article Americas
Ligia Bolívar link Venezuela Centro de DDHH de la UCAB Update article Americas
Yorm Bopha link Cambodia Boeung Kak Lake community and land activist ADAM 210775 Update article
Mao Hengfeng link China DDHH y mujeres Es un activista por los derechos de las mujeres y los derechos humanos de China. Caso de la carpeta. link. link


ADAM 102633 Update article
Ni Yulan link  ; link China Housing, lawyer link Update article
Su Changlan link China Rural women right to land and property, missing children, democracy link Update article
Liu Ping link


China Civil rights activists, anti-corruption link Update article
Gao Yu link


China Journalist Update article
Wang Yu link ; link China lawyer ADAM: 214036 Update article
Li Tingting link ; link China Women's rights, sexuality link Update article
Wei Tingting link ; no Chinese Wiki China Women's rights, sexuality link Update article
Zheng Churan link ; no Chinese wiki China women's rights link Update article
Cao Shunli link ; link China Civil rights ADAM 189100 Update article
Rajni Tilak link India CADAM


Dalit women rights Executive Director of Centre for Alternative Dalit Media (CADAM) and Founder Member of NACDOR. She is one of the prominent Dalit rights activists and India's leading voice of Dalit feminism as well. Lifetime achievement award at the Dalit Women Speak Out conference held in Savitribai Phule Pune University in December 2017 link "link

link link link"

already on page Update article AI India
Akkai Padmashali link India Transgender rights She's a transgender rights advocate. Bangalore link


Update article AI India
Lakshmi Agarwal link India Chhanv Foundation Works for acid attack victims in India. link New Delhi already on page Update article AI India
Amla Ruia link India Aakar Charitable Trust Social Activist. Works on water security Mumbai Update article AI India
Malini Chib link India ADAPT Rights Group Disability rights Update article AI India
Gaura Devi link India Chipko movement Uttarakhand Update article AI India
Zakia Soman link India BMMA feminist human right activist Ahmedabad Update article AI India
Joopaka Subhadra link India Dalit women rights link Telangana already on page Update article AI India
Maria Catarina Sumarsih link Indonesia Impunity/past human rights abuses already on page Update article
Maria Chin Abdullah link Malaysia already on page Update article
Sen. Leila de Lima link Philippines already on page Update article
Cấn Thị Thêu link Vietnam Update article
Trần Thị Thúy link Vietnam Update article
Trần Thị Nga link Vietnam Update article
Sirikan Charoensiri link Thailand Thai Lawyers for Human Rights –TLHR already on page Update article
Angkhana Neelapaijit link Thailand Human rights activist already on page Update article
Supinya Klangnarong link Thailand Campaign for Popular Media Reform Freedom of expression link Update article
Lara Aharonian link Armenia Women’s Resource Centre sexual rights advocate, was on the list of ‘enemies of Armenian state’ for her women’s rights and sexual rights activism link; Update article Europe
Anina Ciuciu link France / Romania Roma rights Update article Europe
Lydia Foy link Ireland SRR She is a trans rights activist (with Amnesty too), pushed changes to legal gender recognition law in Ireland Update article Europe
Ailbhe Smyth link Ireland Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment feminist and LGBTI activist Academic, feminist and LGBTI activist. Spokesperson and convenor for the Coalition to Repeal the Eighth Amendment. NB: not sure whether she supports sex workers' rights. ADAM 213514 Update article Europe
Ifrah Ahmed link Ireland - Somalia Ifrah Foundation SRR SRR Anti-FGM campaigner, founder of the Ifrah Foundation, women's health and young people's rights activist ADAM 171191 Update article Europe
Simone van Saarloos link The Netherlands women rights link already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Halleh Ghorashi link The Netherlands women rights, black women's rights and migrants link already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Saskia Wieringa link The Netherlands LGBTI already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Hadjar Benmiloud link The Netherlands (young) women rights already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Liesbeth Zegveld link The Netherlands human rights link Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Gloria Wekker link The Netherlands women rights and racism link already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Lilian Gonçalves-Ho Kang You link The Netherlands human rights and women rights link Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Sunny Bergman link The Netherlands women rights and racism already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Sylvana Simons link The Netherlands women rights and racism already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Margreet de Boer link The Netherlands Clara Wichmann Instiuut women rights Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Marjan Sax link

link link

The Netherlands Mama Cash women rights and LGBTI link Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Anja Meulenbelt link The Netherlands women rights and Palestinian rights already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Lilianne Ploumen link The Netherlands human rights already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Clarice Gargard link The Netherlands human rights link already on page Update article AI Netherlands Europe
Ludmila Alekseeva link Russia Moscow Helsinki Group, former member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights. famous Russia WHRD and one of the Soviet dissidents still active in modern Russia; one of the founders of Moscow Helsinki Group, former member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights..Has several international human rights awards already on page Update article Europe
Svetlana Gannushkina link Russia Presidential Council for HR and others – human rights activist since late 1980-s. In 1990, she helped to found Civic Assistance Committee (Komitet Grazhdanskoe Sodeistvie), an NGO working to help refugees, internally displaced people and migrants. Has several international human rights awards,. link Update article Europe
Ella Polyakova link Russia Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg [- leader of non-governmental organization Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg. The NGO works on protection of conscripts; rights. She is a member of the Presidential Council for Human Rights and has several international human rights awards. . link] link Update article Europe
Olga Romanova link Russia Charity Fund for Assistance to Convicts and Their Families [- the founder and director of Charity Fund for Assistance to Convicts and Their Families and the director of the fund’s project «Rus sidyaschaya( Russia in Jail)». The project provides legal and financial support to prisoners, including those persecuted on political motives. link] Update article Europe
Zoya Svetova link Russia Russian HRD, journalist. Ex-member of the Public Monitoring Commission of Moscow which is monitoring the conditions in remand centres, jails and violations of prisoners’ rights Update article Europe
Anna Politkovskaya link Russia Russian journalist, writer, and human rights activist who reported on human rights violations, including those committed during the Second Chechen conflict (1999-2005). She was murdered in 2006. already on page Update article Europe
Natalia Estemirova link Russia Memorial Russian human rights defender and board member of the Russian human rights organization Memorial. She worked in Memorial’s Grozny office. She gathered evidence on human rights violations since the beginning of the Second Chechen conflict in 1999. She was murdered in 2009. link Update article Europe
Anastasia Baburova link Russia freelance journalist working with Novaya Gazeta, she investigated the activities of neo-Nazi already on page Update article Europe
Elena Milashina link Russia Russian journalist, writes extensively on human rights violations, including those committed in the North Caucasus. Most recently she has been investigating persecution of LGBT people and extrajudicial executions of 27 people in Chechnya. She has received many death threats in connection with her work.   already on page Update article Europe
Natalia Taubina link Russia Public verdict Director of Public verdict – an NGO that provides legal assistance for the protection of human rights to people whose rights were violated by the Russian law enforcement agencies.

Winner of HRW's Alison Des Forges Award.



Update article Europe
Valentina Cherevatenko link Russia Women of the Don Union Chairperson of the human rights NGO "Women of the Don Union” and of the Foundation for the Promotion of Civil Society and Human Rights "Women of the Don».She is working on women’s rights and peacebuilding efforts in Ukraine. She was the first Russian HRD to be under investigation for the alleged violation of the “foreign agents” law. Update article Europe
Cristina Fallarás link Spain Derechos de la mujer. Periodista, escritora y defensora de los derechos de la Fue caso de AI en el informe de AI: link link. link. link. link already on page Update article AI Spain Europe
Begoña San José link Spain Derechos de la Mujer destacada feminista española cuya trayectoria se inicia en los años 70. Fue la primera Secretaria de la Mujer del sindicato CCOO yy una de las fundadoras del Forum de Politica Feminista. link link. link already on page Update article AI Spain Europe
Justa Montero link Spain Derechos de la mujer. Activista y experta en temas de género. link. link. link already on page Update article AI Spain Europe
Şebnem Korur Fincancı link Turkey Human Rights Foundation in Turkey Founding member of Human Rights Foundation Turkey - medical doctor expert on torture and other ill-treatment, briefly detained in 2016 for her participation in solidarity campaign for the now closed Kurdish newspaper Ozgur Gundem - trial continues Update article Europe
Idil Eser link Turkey Amnesty International Ensure entry is up to date with recent developments. link Update article AI Slovakia Europe
Eren Keskin link link Turkey Veteran human rights lawyer under threat of imprisonment link Update article AI Slovakia Europe
Travis Alabanza link UK LGBTI Travis to contact us with suggestions Update article AI UK Europe
Marai Larasi link UK Imkaan Executive Director of Imkaan, a black feminist organization working towards ending violence against black, minority ethnic, and refugee women and girls. Co-chair of the End Violence Against Women Coalition. Emma Watson's guest at the Golden Globes 2018. Update article AI UK Europe
Eulalie Nibizi link Burundi (STEB/HRD Coalition – depending on what profile she has now), Update article Africa
Delphine Djiraibe link Chad Me. Delphine Djiraibe is a lawyer. She is the former director of the Chadian Association for the Defence and Promotion of Human Rights, and coordinator of the Peace and Reconciliation Committee. She runs a public interest law centre, Public Interest Law Center (PILC) which provides pro-bono legal services to poor people, especially women and human rights defenders, and “know your rights" trainings for women in local communities. Update article Africa
Gégé Katana Bukuru link DRC SOFAD link Update article Africa
Nelly Mbangu link DRC AAP coordinator of Help and Action for Peace - Aide et Action pour la Paix (AAP), and is a leader amongst women human rights defenders in her community in North Kivu. link link Update article Africa
Rebecca Masika link DRC APDUD Women's rights/VAW link


Update article Africa
Immaculée Birhaheka link DRC Promotion et appui aux initiatives féminines (PAIF) Update article Africa
Caddy Adzuba link DRC Es miembro fundadora de la red Un Altavoz para el Silencio, proyecto de la Fundación Euroárabe, y miembro de la Asociación de Mujeres de Medios de Comunicación del Este de Congo Violencia contra las mujeres, menores soldados y libertad de expresión. Está amenazada de muerte desde que denunció la violencia sexual que sufren las mujeres de su país, en guerra desde 1996. Ha estado a punto de morir asesinada en dos ocasiones,4 y tiene protección de Naciones Unidas. link

link link. link

Update article AI Spain Africa
Ruth Mumbi link Kenya Update article AI Kenya Africa
Salimata Lam link Mauritania Salimata Lam is the coordinator for “SOS Esclaves”, a non-governmental organisation founded in 1995 by Mauritanian lawyer Boubacar Ould Messaoud, to tackle the issue of modern slavery. Her organisation also advocates against forced marriage. As of August 2015, programs of anti-slavery organisations including “SOS Esclaves” have resulted in the institution of laws in Mauritania that stipulate the increase of prison term for offenders from ten to twenty years as well as criminalizing the act of force marriages. In a 2015 interview with Aljazeera however, Lam indicated that despite the presence of the amended laws in the constitution to tackle slavery and force marriages in Mauritania, "only one slaveholder has been conclusively prosecuted for owning slaves”

In 2017, Salimata Lam was nominated for the New African Woman in Civil Society Award.

Update article Africa
Fatimata Mbaye link Mauritania She is a human rights activist, a lawyer and founding member of the Mauritanian Human Rights Association. She is also vice-president of FIDH. Married at the age of 12, she actively fights for women's rights and discrimination against black people in Mauritania. She was arrested in 1986 and spent six months in detention where she was tortured. She was again arrested and imprisoned for four months with other human rights defenders in 1998. She has carried out several roles for the UN in countries in crisis like Côte d'Ivoire and CAR. She has received the Human Rights of Nuremberg International Award. AI took her case when she was arrested. already on page Update article Africa
Fatou Kine Camara link Senegal Fatou Kine Camara is a professor-researcher who advocates for women and children’s rights. She also advocates for the right to medical abortion and for the decriminalization of homosexuality.

In 2010, she received a human rights prize for the Jubilee of 50 years of independence of African States.

already on page Update article Africa
Fartuun Adan link Somalia Elman Peace and Human Rights Centre already on page Update article Africa
Alejandra Nuño Ruiz-Velasco, Ana Lorena Delgadillo Mexico Fundación para la Justicia y el Estado Democrático de Derecho - link human rights in mexico, violence against women, migrants, impunity Both are human rights lawyers. Ana Lorena Delgadillo is the Director of Fundacion and winner of Premio de Derechos Humanos de la República Francesa 2016 link

link link? link link link link link link

Write article about Fundacion and include names WHRDs Americas
Orfe Castillo, Marusia Lopez Mexico JASS and IM Defensoras women's rights / defenders Orfe: JASS mexico coordinator, fundadora del Consorcio Para el dialogo parlamentario y la equidad (feminist organization). Marusia: JASS Senior Associate, Power & Protection of Women Activists link

link link link link

ADAM Write article about JASS. Add names of WHRDs to those. Orfe also member of IM-defensoras Americas
Gloria Luna Colombia Red de Mujeres del Chocó rights of afrodescendent women, right to education Spokesperson for Red Mujeres del Choco. link

link link


Esta página se ha eliminado recientemente (durante las últimas 24 horas). A continuación, se muestra el registro de eliminaciones, protecciones y traslados de la página a modo de referencia.

18:10 28 mar 2018 Edslov (discusión · contribuciones) borró la página Gloria Luna ([ link]A4[ link]: Página sin [ link]interés enciclopédico[ link].)

22:51 8 mar 2018 UA31 (discusión · contribuciones) borró la página Gloria Luna (Violación de los derechos de autor)

write article about Red Mujeres mentioning Gloria Luna: article on GL had already been done and deleted!! Americas
Tep Vanny Cambodia Boeung Kak Lake community and land activist Land's rights link



link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link link

ADAM Write article about Tep Vanny and also add Tep Vanny to Boeung Kak article adding these WHRDs names:

Nget Khun (aka "Mommy")

Kong Chantha

Bou Chhorvy

Bov Sophea

Im Touch

Song Sreyleap

Phan Chhunreth

Nong Sreng

Phoung Sopheap

Tim Sakmony

Wang Qiaoling 王峭玲, Li Wenzu 李文足, Yuan Shanshan原珊珊, Chen Guiqiu 陈桂秋, Liu Ermin 刘二敏 China Human rights defenders, lawyers, family members of HRDs 1. They are all wives of human rights lawyers who have been detained and/or sentenced during the lawyers’ crackdown started in 2015

2. They started their activism to seek justice for their husbands. However, they have been extending their support to other human rights activists in China 3. They launched campaigns advocating for the release of their husbands, often producing creative and satirical videos, publicly sharing their latest actions and openly questioning the unlawful practices of the authorities. 4. The family members of targeted lawyers and activists have been subject to police surveillance, harassment and restricted freedom of movement.

Cooperation with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights - Report of the Secretary General (para 20,21) link

link link link Open letter to President Xi Jinping from families of lawyers crackdown link link Human Rights in China archive link link US congress hearing witness biography link US congress hearing witness statement link Chen Guiqiu's hearing at the US congress :Disappeared, Jailed, and Tortured in China: Wives Petition for Their Husbands’ Freedom link link China Change archive: link link link

link; link; Write article about the four women. Please do not confuse Yuan Shanshan (原珊珊) with Yuan Shanshan (袁姍姍), a Chinese actress who has her own wikipage link
PERU final list not yet shared Peru AI Peru Americas