Alternate writing in Wiktionary

In many languages, there are acceptable manners of writing the same word. This can differ from different spelling (color vs colour) to different characters (e.g. simplified vs traditional Chinese. As all correct words have their place in Wiktionary, there has to be a standard way of accommodating these words.

The method described below, assumes that the methodology as used on the nl:wiktionary is used. This method is relevant until such time the wiktionaries are converted to a relational database (see for the reasons why: Ultimate Wiktionary).

There are two instances where it needs to be indicated that a word has alternative ways of writing.

  • The description of the word: e.g. colour, color
  • The indication of a translation: e.g. kleur

The description of a word


When a word is described in an article, the first thing to be indicated is the language. The second level IS the manner of writing. As it is useful to be able to find all words that can be classified by the manner of writing in question, the template used does include a category. For an example see nl:wikt:Sjabloon:-zh-sc- for the nl: template for simplified Chinese.

The alternate writing of a word is indicated by a template {{-writ-}} to destinguish them from ordinary synonyms.

The indication of a translation


When there is more than one correct way of writing a word, In the row of translations, the language is indicated first. This is NOT followed by any content. On the next line the first alternate writing will be shown, the second is followed on a new line etcetera. For an example see nl:kleur.

Topic in active discussion in English Wiktionary


This topic is in active discussion in English Wiktionary. When I get a chance I may come back with a link--Richardb 13:43, 30 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Where ??
Maybe it was on some of these pages:
Helder 15:42, 12 February 2012 (UTC)