Affiliations Committee/Resolutions/Wikimedia Community User Group Georgia - Liaison approval, February 2015/es
- Recognizing Wikimedia User Groups is the responsibility of the Affiliations Committee;
- Two members of the Affiliations Committee assigned as liaisons to a Wikimedia User Group application may initially approve the application for up to one year;
- The application of Wikimedia Community User Group Georgia on Meta has been reviewed by the Affiliations Committee;
- The scope of the group, which can be found on their application, is "Promote awareness of the Georgian Wikimedia projects, Engage the community and gain new contributors for the User Group and Wikimedia projects, Cooperate with other institutions with similar missions and visions to promote free knowledge movement in Georgia and work on the formation of Wikimedia Georgia chapter"; and
- It is the opinion of the Affiliations Committee liaisons assigned to this application that the group meets the requirements for Wikimedia User Group status.
Therefore be it
- resolved that the Wikimedia Community User Group Georgia is recognized as a Wikimedia User Group for a one-year, renewable, period that becomes effective when the Wikimedia User Group agreement is signed.
Resolución aprobada con 2 votos a favor, 0 votos en contra, 0 abstenciones, 0 votos no emitidos, el 22 February 2015.