This page is a translated version of the page AI Sauna and the translation is 48% complete.
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Kom og vær med til at udforske hvordan AI former fremtiden for Åben Kultur!!

AvoinGLAM invites Open Culture advocates and creators of the open ecosystem to join the Finnish GLAM s (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums), research projects and companies to envision the future of Open Culture in the age of AI. The event takes place in Helsinki 6–7 May right after the Wikimedia hackathon in Tallinn 3–5 May. The two-day event will hear inspire talks from participants, explore common themes and work on them in workshops on the second day.

We wish to invite a diverse mix of technology developers, heritage experts, policy advocates and makers from the open ecosystem, memory institutions, academia, and the tech industry. With a maximum capacity of 100 participants, we aim to ensure equal representation across all groups. Everyone is important, and we thank you for making sure you'll be there!

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide grants for accommodation or travel, and our ability to cover meals and sauna is dependent on possible financial support. The event is free of charge, and we appreciate your understanding of these limitations.

Hvorfor vil det være godt for mig at deltage?

For a culture & heritage professional this is a great opportunity to see AI technologies in action and to discuss with peers what the adoption of the technologies could look like.

In collaboration with the representatives of several organizations representing open culture, it is possible to foresee future trends in open sharing of cultural heritage materials.

The event is a chance to focus on discussion and foresight or delve into developing, and use the opportunity to try out tools and technologies in practice. Whether this is your first encounter with AI technologies or you work with that professionally, we hope the event gives you takeaways for your future activities.


Mandag 6. maj: Bliv inspireret

Tirsdag 7. maj: Hackdag

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Partnere vil blive tilføjet efterhånden som de bliver bekræftet.
