Strategy/Wikimedia movement/2017/People/Core team/Notes/2017-02-10: Core Team Action Items
(Redirected from 2017-02-10 Notes: Core Team Action Items)
Action items:
Track A & B:
- Secure design help prior to publishing final process prototype
- Next round on toolkit (Shannon), adjust language on premises (Guillaume), and finalize language with communications team
- Consider role of liaisons in relation to coordinating other facilitators and/or outreach for board election
- Finalize framing outline and assign out slides (Guillaume)
- Publish 2010 "report card" with the right context (Suzie)
- Core team to develop discussion prompts by 2/14 (and Katherine to review)
- Finalize & onboard Track A Lead (Suzie/Anna)
- List of initial groups for beta
- Invite participants
- Reach out to Victoria/Toby/Wes to get system for summary database and posting built (Suzie/Guillaume)
- Feb 20: Launch Track A beta discussion!
- Prep for board meetings
- Board update (Suzie) by Feb 14
Track C:
- Follow up with Lawrence on potential for round table discussions with experts at world congress in Barcelona
- Confirm research analyst availability
Track D
- Core strategy team to build discussion guide for 1:1 interview (conducted by GR team) by Feb 24
- Suzie to schedule time with Adele for week leading up to Feb 24
- williamsworks to help identify more experts in Indonesia, Egypt, Brazil (review existing list)
- Suzie to draft process timeline for Track D
- Adele & Guillaume to meet to post RFP and discuss other Track D documentation
- Team to help distribute RFP: professional lists (Suzie), sending through communities (wwks, Adele)
- Further develop idea for external-facing video
- Core team to ask people to submit photos, video, etc. for the "year book" photo
- Finalize strategy team & identify remaining resource needs (WMF internal or external)
- Graphic design projected support needed (Blanca)
- Writer + time needed from communications team for language finalization
- Consider how can we create a brand strategy through this existing strategy development process?