2010 Wikimedia design and feature change/Bug reports

General notes and updates:
- The most surprising change for many users of the new design is the relocation of the search box. We've explained our reasoning in more detail in this tech blog post.
- Many users had expressed concerns that the language links in the sidebar were collapsed by default. On June 7, we changed the behavior to expand these links by default. If this is not so on your system, you may still have an old cookie. If, after clearing your cookies, this problem does not disappear, it is a bug, and should be reported as such.
- The font size of the new design should not be smaller than the old one. The old design, Monobook, used stylesheet definitions that produced inconsistent results on different platforms. These roles were adjusted to a simpler and more standards-compliant rule in the new design, Vector. Detailed bug reports help us diagnose any font size issues. We're also planning to conduct a user survey to determine the ideal default font size.
- Initial versions of the new design broke on the PlayStation 3 browser. This bug should be fixed.
- Older BlackBerry models may have problems rendering the new design. If this affects you, please visit the English Wikipedia and tell us if it correctly redirects to the mobile portal. We are planning to put these mobile redirects for BlackBerries in place for all languages and projects.
Please make sure to include the required information in your report, as browser and system behavior can vary dramatically and unexpectedly.
Problem with tabs on Serbian Wikipedia
edit(Technical data is irrelevant for this problem)
I've reported this every time after I left Beta version, and I reported this on the Bugzilla, but it seems that I talk in vain. I'll say once more:
Serbian language has two different writing systems — Cyrillic alphabet (ћирилица) and Latin alphabet (latinica). Wikipedia in Serbian use both — clicking on tab "ћирилица" (sr-ec) or "latinica" (sr-el) a reader can choose one or another. Current beta on Serbian Wikipedia, doesn't show tabs "ћирилица" and "latinica" in visible way. You have to click on hidden toolbar to switch from one writing system to another. All Serbian sites which has this option put them in some visible place. It's very important for those tabs to be seen by the default, as they are in the current Monobook skin. Otherwise, the readers might not be aware of them. Also, editors use that option very often to check if both versions are displayed correctly and it's not practical that they are hidden. --Loshmi 00:17, 7 August 2010 (UTC)
Article could not be rendered - ouputting plain text.
- Browser (exact version number can be typically found in Help/About screens)
- Firefox 3.6.8
- Operating system
- windows xp sp3
- Screen resolution
- ?
- Expected behavior
- download as pdf
- Observed behavior
- Article could not be rendered - outputting plain text.
- Steps to reproduce
- download as pdf
- Additional notes/comments/screenshots
Potential causes of the problem are: (a) a bug in the pdf-writer software (b) problematic Mediawiki markup (c) table is too wide
Main page Esperanto has over 1000 pages.
edit- Browser (exact version number can be typically found in Help/About screens)
- Operating system
- Screen resolution
- Expected behavior
- Observed behavior
- Steps to reproduce
- Additional notes/comments/screenshots
On the main page Esperanto is still listed as having 100+ pages. It has now had one thousand pages for some time. How do we get it upgraded?
translation: Sur la ĉefa paĝo oni ankoraŭ montras ke Esperanto havas 100+ paĝojn. Dum kelka tempo ĝi jam havas pli ol mil paĝoj. Kiel oni povos ĝisdatigi ĝin?
try beta
edit- Browser (exact version number can be typically found in Help/About screens)
- Operating system
- Screen resolution
- Expected behavior
- Observed behavior
- Steps to reproduce
- Additional notes/comments/screenshots
i cant see hindi wikipedia in my psp
edit- Browser (exact version number can be typically found in Help/About screens)
- Operating system
- Screen resolution
- Expected behavior
- Observed duce
- Additional notes/comments/screenshots
PDF has [ca] column
edit- Browser (exact version number can be typically found in Help/About screens)
- Operating system
Vista 64-bit
- Screen resolution
- Expected behavior
no CA bit
- Observed behavior
At the bottom of each section I get something akin to;
ca:Manifest comunista/Capítol I cs:Komunistický manifest/I. Měšťák a proletář el:Μανιφέστο του Κομμουνιστικού Κόμματος: Κεφάλαιο 1: Αστοί και Προλετάριοι hu:A Kommunista Párt kiáltványa/I. Burzsoák és proletárok it:Il Manifesto del Partito Comunista/I ko:공산당 선언/부르주아와 프롤레타리아 pt:Manifesto do Partido Comunista/I ru:Манифест коммунистической партии/Часть I tr:Komünist Parti Manifestosu 1. bölüm
- Steps to reproduce
Save wikibook as PDF
- Additional notes/comments/screenshots
The Communist Manifesto was my test case.
Text overlapping a figure
edit- Browser (exact version number can be typically found in Help/About screens)
Google Chrome 14
- Operating system
Windows 7
- Screen resolution
- Expected behavior
No overlapping
- Observed behavior
Overlap of the text with the top border of a figure.
- Steps to reproduce
Go to this address http://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8A%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA and see the first figure in the first section. Here's a more accurate link http://bg.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8A%D0%BB%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B8%D0%BA#.D0.98.D1.81.D1.82.D0.BE.D1.80.D0.B8.D1.8F_.D0.B8_.D0.B5.D0.B7.D0.B8.D0.BA
- Additional notes/comments/screenshots