
反破壞網 (countervandalism network (CVN)) 係一組半正式嘅 freenode IRC 臺(channels)網絡。呢度嘅機械人會報告特定維基上嘅可疑編輯,條件就由該臺嘅街坊設定。每臺都有地道嘅操作員(Local operators)同用家(users),由一班喺 countervandalism IRC 社羣選出嘅義工組成嘅 staff 管理。 All users are welcome to join the freenode IRC channel #countervandalismconnectfor live discussion.

The countervandalism network is managed by three partially overlapping groups of volunteers. The committee-like system described below was designed to centralize management while diluting authority among a diverse group and distributing access in case of absence.

地道嘅操作員Local operators


Local operators have op access on individual channels. They maintain order, manage autovoice access in moderated channels, give restricted bot commands, and perform other channel tasks. (They are listed on "CVN#Channels".)



Countervandalism staff have access in all countervandalism channels. They coordinate users with bot developers and hosts, provide technical assistance with regards to access on restricted channels, appoint or remove local operators, and help local operators maintain order if needed. They are usually consulted when the senior staff make decisions.

Senior staff are the administrating authority. Through senior staff consensus, they set global policy, manage channels and technical details, appoint or remove staff members, arbitrate conflicts between users and local operators, and impose or lift global access restrictions on disruptive users. (They are on ""CVN#Staff")

freenode 聯絡(contacts)


Contacts elected by staff consensus represent the countervandalism network channels to freenode. They resolve channel naming or access level conflicts per consensus among senior staff, but do not have special authority beyond their positions as senior staff.

Current contacts:



Users listed are local operators.

