Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2017/Programme/Submission/Parallel corpora based on Wikisource to support foreign language contributions in Wiktionary

Parallel corpora based on Wikisource to support foreign language contributions in Wiktionary edit

Name(s) and/or username(s) edit

Lars Aronsson, User:LA2
Wikimedia Sweden, volunteer

Topic edit

  • Regional/international wiki projects (New CEE wide projects/contest)

Type of submission (Please choose one) edit

  • Presentation (one-to-many)

Summary edit

The CEE region speaks many different languages, many of them Slavic, all very different from English, being the dominant international language. There is a dire need for improved support for translation, both manual and automatic, through dictionaries such as Wiktionary. Two years ago, at the CEE Meeting 2015 in Tartu, I gave a lightning presentation about Foreign language contributions to Wiktionary, briefly describing my contributions about Swedish words to the English and Russian Wiktionary. Now I present some problems facing such contributions, and how they can be solved with the help of literary texts from Wikisource that exist in both languages. This is a novel approach to combining the two projects for a very useful result. My experience is from Russian and Swedish, and I am now applying this pattern also to Ukrainian and Belarusian.

Expected outcomes edit

Increased contribution to Wikisource and Wiktionary, for improved support for translators.

Duration (without Q&A) edit

40 minutes

Specific requirements edit

1. Projector for static slides (PDF on a USB stick). 2. Network and projector connection for showing live examples.

Slides or further information edit


Interested attendees (Please add yourself, and you may indicate your questions to the presenter). edit