Movement Strategy/Recommendations/Iteration 3/Community input/Evaluate, Iterate and Adapt

Previous Evaluate, Iterate and Adapt

Community input

Narrative of Change

Community input



The community has urged to develop clear goals with evaluation of the current existing practises to sustain programs for documentation and analyzing their progress over the long term for developing capacities to help us fulfill the vision of 2030 and be able to adapt the changes for the dynamic socio-technical structure. This would be people-centred focus to allow growth with community in an equitable way.

Evaluate the existing ecosystem

  • Capacity building hub is recommended that can evaluate the status of each community and work closely with the community to provide regular trainings and evaluate progress with qualitative and quantitative guidelines.[1][2]
  • We need new metrics to evaluate capacity building since the regular metrics used for edit-a-thons, which are just about content creation, aren’t suitable here to measure individual progress.[3]
  • For evaluation of social impact, partnerships with academics can be done.[4]
  • The 2030 goals should be explained to the community for setting clear goals in leadership structures to ensure accountability and efficiency.[5]

Adapt the best practise

  • Follow up with grantees, not only to monitor their work, but also to evaluate their satisfaction towards the grants process.[6]
  • WMF should address more surveys to all community members to evaluate the performance of their local affiliate and confirm that it is well governed.[7]
  • Create proactive practices to help first time organisers/grantees to continue to scale up their initiatives to sustain leadership of volunteers in the movement.[8]
  • Wikimedia interface is hard to develop and iterate in a sustainable manner. We can evaluate and adapt from other organizations such as Mozilla for improving the project.[9][10]


  1. We support the creation of a capacity building unit. (Thailand Strategy Salon, August 2019, Capacity building thematic area).
  2. This Unit should not only oversee the implementation of the recommendations, but also to pave the way for and advise on new capacity-building tools and technologies and to monitor the extent to which capacity-building programs contribute to changing the movement towards strategic direction, while updating this structure to meet the desired objectives.(1:1 Individual Interviews - Arabic Community Conversations, Sept 2019, Capacity building thematic area).
  3. We need new metrics to evaluate capacity building since the regular metrics used for edit-a-thons, which are just about content creation, aren’t suitable here to measure individual progress (Wikipedia & Education UG salon, September 2019, Capacity building thematic area).
  4. Evaluate social impact - Would be interesting to engage academia in this. We don't need a big entity, but partner with academical third parties. (Catalan Strategy Salon, September 2019, Product and technology thematic area).
  5. Set follow up goals related to Wikimedia 2030, make sure they are well understood and known, set clear roles in the leadership structures to improve efficiency and accountability and better educate users/contributors about what content is acceptable or not, make admissibility rules clearer. (Tanzania Strategy Salon, June 2019, Resource allocation thematic area).
  6. Follow up with grantees, not only to monitor their work, but also to evaluate their satisfaction towards the grants process. (French community conversations, July 2019, Resource allocation thematic area).
  7. Currently surveys are sent to some members of the affiliates who will naturally judge their work positively. (Wikimedia Morocco Strategy Salon, July 2019, Roles and Responsibilities thematic area).
  8. Rapid grantees with excellent results and great potential should be helped by WMF to scale the program and leadership over time because CB is the foundation of sustainable leadership in the movement. (Wikipedia & Education UG youth salon, capacity building thematic area).
  9. As a programmer, the open source project of Wikimedia is too slow for development, and also facing its difficulty to iterate sustainably. We can see how Firefox is supported by Mozilla Company and the community. (Mandarin Community, March/April, product and technology thematic area).
  10. We should collaborate with all (open source and proprietary) application companies for cross platform talks for enhanced user experience.(Wikimedia community in the Philippines, May 2019, product and technology thematic area).