Fundraising 2011/GW Letter/zh-hant

Translation instructions
  • For pages marked "Missing" or "In progress", click the page title and start translating. When you are done, click "edit status" and change the status to proofreading.
  • For pages marked "Needs updating", compare the page to the source page and update the translation accordingly. When you are done, click "edit status" and change the status to proofreading.
  • It is important to have someone else proofread the translated page! If you have proofread a page and it is ready for publication, click "edit status" and change that page's status to ready.
  • If you are changing something that has already been published, change its status back to ready for it to be published again.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the translation process, please post them here. Translation FAQ

我是一位大學生。一學期的教科書總共要花費我 500 美元。在維基百科,我可以免費獲得數以百計有價值的書籍。

這就是為什麼我不只讀維基百科,我也幫助建立其中的內容。對我來說保持這種人人都能取用的免費資源是非常重要的。隨著每個月有 4 億 7 千萬名讀者,維基百科對全世界的許多人來說都是重要的。


以這樣的方式,我們社群裡數以百萬計的編輯者同心協力的以 283 種語言撰寫了總數超過 2 千萬筆的百科文章。

